The Sun: Facts of Interest

Origin of the Universe:

E is Heat. The Heat comes from the missing mass. Mass is Energy

Physical Properties of the Sun

Electromagnetic Waves (Radiation)

Blackbody Radiation Expanded

Solar Terms

Demos on Absorption, Reflection and Refraction.

Solar Applications

Measuring Solar Radiation.

Amount of Insolation changes in the seasons because of the suns angle and atmosphere absortion. Checkout Understanding Seasonal and Atmospheric Variations

Sunset Demo: Scattered light/. Why is the sky blue??

Measuring Devices

Incident Solar Radiation

Renewable Resource Data Center Info on Solar Data Shining On

Accurate information is important for designing energy systems.

Solar radiation data provide information on how much of the sun's energy strikes a surface at a location on earth during a particular time period.

Values of energy per unit of area. Shows naturally occurring changes in the amount of solar radiation over the course of days, months, and years, for a location.

Units of measurement are:

National Solar Radiation Data Base.

A Rap on The dependence on Angles and Solar Radiation...With Demo...

Let's Go to Shining On for more on measuring Solar Radiation