St. Symeon the Stylite

from a 10th cent manuscript

REL 321: The History of Christianity: Ancient Christianities 


TTh, 11:00-12:15


Professor: Dr. Stephen Shoemaker 
Telephone: 346-4998

Office: 813 PLC
Office Hours: F 1-4

(or by appointment)


 Course Description and Objectives | Textbooks | Assignments
 Expectations and Regulations | Grading Scale | Handouts 1 2 3 4

Internet Resources of General Use: If you have a general question about a particular person, concept, etc., you might try these resources first to find an answer. 

Schedule of Assignments and Suggested Internet Resources


Course Description and Objectives


This course is designed to introduce various aspects of Christianity during the first seven centuries of its existence.  Although this course focuses to a certain extent on the development of what would later become “orthodox” Christianity within the bounds of the Roman Empire, this is not to the exclusion of rival forms of early Christianity.  Considerable attention will also be given to the spread of Christianity along the fringes and outside the borders of the Roman Empire.  We will concentrate especially on the historical diversity of the early Christian tradition, in an effort to understand better its contemporary complexity.  In the course of the term, students will read and write reflective essays on several primary sources, each selected to represent the historical and confessional diversity of Christian traditions, as well as to present certain basic problems from the history of Christianity.  We will conclude in the middle of the seventh century, a period often considered "the end of antiquity," and while this periodization is not unproblematic, the Arab conquests of the eastern Mediterranean that would follow indeed mark a significant historical change.




  • Henry Chadwick, The Early Church (Penguin; ISBN: 0140231994)

  • Peter Brown, The Rise of Western Christendom (Blackwell; ISBN: 1577180925)

Several other items are to be found on the internet, as indicated below.


Some good resources to learn more about a particular topic (with bibliography for further reading) include:

  • The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church: Knight Library Reference, BR95 .O8 1997 

  • The Anchor Bible Dictionary: Knight Library Reference, BS440 .A54 1992  (good for first 2 centuries)

Internet Resources of General Use

The Catholic Encyclopedia Although this is an older edition (1907-12), there are many excellent articles on many of the key people, events, concepts, etc. covered in this class, particularly in the early and medieval periods.  The articles naturally reflect a particularly Roman Catholic point of view, making it a rich source for information on this tradition.  The articles are often lengthy, but are usually worth the read. 

Glossary of Theological Terms This glossary, taken from Alister McGrath's Christian Theology (2nd edition) published by Blackwell Publishers, provides succinct definitions for a number of theological technical terms.. 

The Ecole Initiative  This site's Glossary has brief descriptions of several hundred topics (mostly people).  The site also has a number of texts, images, and articles relevant to this period. 

Internet Ancient History Sourcebook Many of the items used in this class, along with a number of other historical documents, maps, etc., are to be found here and at the related The Internet Medieval Sourcebook.

Encarta Online Concise Encyclopedia This is a good online source for general information on a variety of topics: brief explanations of many people, places, etc. 



Attendance at all class sessions is expected.  Since class sessions will involve a fair amount of student discussion, students should read all the assignments carefully before coming to class.  Assignments will generally involve about 100 pages of reading per week.  Everyone should be prepared to contribute both ideas and questions to the class discussions.  Assignments and grading are as follows:


A.  Two exams 2/6 and Friday, March 21, 8:00 AM (60%) 


B.  Class attendance and participation (10%) 


C.     One5-6 page (double-spaced: approx. 1500 words) essay (30%), chosen from the following options.  Students may also write two papers, with the option of having their lowest exam or paper grade dropped:

1.      Due 1/30.  Read the The Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel according to Luke and answer the following questions: “What is similar about these two gospels, and what is different?  Are they more different than similar?  What things are similar and different in their depiction of Jesus?  How do they represent similar and/or different understandings of the Christian faith?  What, in your view, is the significance of the relationship between these two early gospels for understanding the early history of Christian traditions?


2.  Due 2/18.  Read Origen’s On First Principles, Book IV and answer the following questions: “How does Origen believe the Scriptures are to be interpreted?  What reasons does he give for adopting this approach?  Do you think that this is an appropriate way to interpret the Scriptures?  What are its strengths and its shortcomings?  What do you think about the fact that this was the dominant method of reading the Scriptures in both the early and medieval periods?”


3.      Due 3/11.  Read Augustine's treatise On the Good of Marriage and On Virginity (selections) together with 1 Corinthians 7, and answer the following questions: "What is Augustine's view of Christian marriage, and how is it related to celibacy (continence/virginity)?  What the good things does he find in each?  What is Augustine's view of human sexuality?  What is the purpose of marriage?  What do you think of his understandings of marriage, virginity, and sexuality, and how do they compare to Paul's view?  How does he reconcile his views with the the Hebrew Bible's (the Old Testament) view of marriage?" 

Format of EssaysIn answering the questions, first of all, briefly summarize the contents of the text(s) regarding the questions asked: what do the texts say?  Then, take a clear position in response to the texts and defend it: imagine that your reader believes the opposite and that you are trying to persuade him or her.  Do not make the mistake of giving a spiritual autobiography or a narrative of how this text relates to your own personal spiritual life and faith.  Do not make the mistake of just dismissing the ideas of a text because you have a different understanding of Christianity: if you disagree, give convincing reasons why.  In all instances, strive for an impersonal and objective tone: you need to represent the contents of the text(s) fairly and accurately and give thoughtful reasons for your response.  In general, it is good to avoid using "I," "me," "my," "we," or "you" (except in quotations of course); you should give your opinions, but write them using the third person.  Also, while you should cite examples from the texts, be sure to explain and contextualize any quotations made, and be sure that your own voice is not lost in a sea of quotations. All quotations must be identified as such, and references to the text should be given parenthetically either as a page number or section number, as appropriate.  Take care to write correctly and well: you will be graded for grammar and style as well as content.  Finally, please number your pages.


Expectations and Regulations

1.  Preparation:  You are expected to come to class having completed the reading assignments for that session.  You should be prepared to discuss and ask questions about the assignments.  Note also that some material from the readings that is not covered in class may be included on the examinations. 

2.  Participation and Class Attendance: You should come to class prepared to ask questions and to discuss the readings for that session.  Regular class attendance is required, and attendance will be taken.  If you expect to miss class doe to illness, observance of religious holy days, or other extenuating circumstances, please notify the instructor in advance after class or at

3.  Late Papers: Unless an extension has been arranged in advance, late papers will be marked down one full letter grade for each day after the due date.  Late papers will not be accepted more than three days after the due date. 

4.  Make-up or Early Exams: will be allowed only in truly exceptional circumstances, in the case of unforeseeable events beyond the student’s control.

5.  Plagiarism or Cheating: Students caught plagiarizing or cheating on any assignment will be reported to the Student Conduct Coordinator in the Office of the Dean of Students.  Students who are aware of cheating or plagiarism are encouraged to inform the instructor.  If you are uncertain as to what constitutes plagiarism (or other forms of academic dishonesty), please consult the University of Oregon's Policy on Academic Dishonesty

6.  Completion of Assignments:  Completion of all required assignments (2 Exams, 1 Paper)  is necessary to pass and receive credit for the course.  Incompletes will be granted only at the discretion of the instructor and only in case of circumstances beyond the student's control. 

7.  Special Needs: Students with special needs requiring academic accommodations should 1) register with and provide documentation to Services to Students with Disabilities (SSD); 2) bring a letter to the instructor from the SSD indicating that you need academic accommodations, and we will arrange to meet them.  This should be done during the first week of class. 

Grading Scale







Course Outline


Week 1


1/7 Introduction


1/9 From Jesus to the Church

Read: Chadwick, 9-53; The Gospel according to Mark, 13-16.8 (web); The Epistle of Paul to the Galatians 1-2; (web); Didache (selections; web); Ignatius of Antioch, Letter to the Magnesians (web); Letter to the Trallians (web)


Handout 1

Web Links

Week 2


1/14 Christianity and the Roman Empire

Read: Chadwick, 54-79; Ignatius of Antioch, Letter to the Romans (web); Letters of Pliny and Trajan (web); Justin Martyr, Second Apology (web)


Web Links

1/16 Orthodoxy and Heresy

Read: Chadwick, 80-83; Brown, 3-17; Apocryphon of John (web); Gospel of Thomas ( web)


Handout 2

Web Links

Week 3


1/21 Tertullian, Montanism, and Early Christology

Read: Chadwick, 84-100; Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, 5.16-5.20 (web); Ignatius of Antioch, Letter to the Smyrneans (web); articles on Docetism and Monarchianism at The Ecole Initiative website


Handout 3

Web Links

1/23 Origen of Alexandria: His Life and Thought

Read: Chadwick, 100-115; Eusebius of Caesarea, Ecclesiastical History VI, (selections; web)


Web Links

Week 4


1/28 Origen and the Bible in the Early Church

Read: Chadwick, 116-24; Origen, On First Principles, bk 1.4-7 (web)


1/30 Imperial Persecution and the Problem of the “Lapsed”

Read: Brown, 18-33; A Certificate of Having Sacrificed to the Gods (web)

Web Links

Week 5


2/4 Constantine, Arius, and Nicea

Read: Chadwick, 125-36; Athanasius, On the Incarnation, selections (web); Arius, Letter to Alexander of Alexandria (web); The Nicene Creed (web)

See also A Chronology of the Arian Crisis at The Ecole Initiative website, with many hyperlinked documents.


Handout 4

Web Links

2/6 Midterm


Week 6


2/11 Monasticism, Saints, and Relics

Read: Chadwick, 174-83; Brown, 95-111; Rule of St. Augustine (web); Jerome, Against Vigiliantius (web)


Web Links

2/13 Women in Early Christianity: Apostles(?), Ascetics, and Patrons

Read: "The Roles for Women" in Early Christianity (web); Acts of Paul and Thecla (web)


Week 7


2/18 The Council of Constantinople and the End of Arianism

Read: Chadwick, 136-59; Niceno-Constantinopolitan-Creed (web);  Basil of Caesarea, Letter 52 (web); Letter 234 (web)

2/20 The Virgin Mary and the Council of Ephesus

Read: Chadwick, 160-73; 184-200; correspondence of Nestorius and Cyril of Alexandria and Cyril’s 12 Anathemas (web)


Web Links

  • Map of the Roman Empire ca. 395.

Week 8


2/25 Augustine of Hippo

Read: Chadwick, 213-37; Brown 34-53; The Confessions Book 8


Web Links

  • A web page devoted to Augustine of Hippo, complete with texts, images, and links to other sites, including the following items:.
    • "Christ and the Soul" Chapter 4 of James J. O'Donnell's Augustine, an introduction to Augustine's writings against the Pelagians.
    • Augustine's Africa A collection of detailed maps of Roman Africa in Augustine's time.
  • Augustine's account of his conversion from his Confessions.

2/27 The Council of Chalcedon

Read: Chadwick, 200-205; Brown 54-75; The Tome of Leo (web); the Chalcedonian Definition (web)


Web Links

  • Map of Constantinople and surroundings, including Chalcedon.
  • The Incarnation This is a good, clear explanation of the development of orthodox Christology at the ecumenical councils.  At the Orthodox Church in America's web site.

Week 9


3/4 After Chalcedon: Christianity in the Early Byzantine Empire

Read: Chadwick, 205-10; Brown 112-32; The Life of Peter the Iberian (web); Emperor Justinian, Dialogue with Paul of Nisibis (web)


Web Links

3/6 The “Fall of Rome” and the Rise of the Papacy

Read: Chadwick, 237-58; Brown 132-47; Augustine, selections from The City of God (web); Pope Leo the Great; Pope Gregory the Great: Letters showing Papal Activity; The Papal Estates; Pope Gregory the Great and the Lombards


Web Links

  • Maps of the Roman Empire and the Mediterranean world in 476, 526, and 600.  The progressive impact of the Barbarian invasions is clearly seen.
  • The decadence of Rome just before its fall, according to Ammianus Marcellinus.
  • Alaric's sack of Rome in 410, according to Procopius.

Week 10

3/11 Christianity outside the Roman Empire

Read: Brown, 167-83; The Life of St. Shushanik (web); Mar (St.) Narsai, An Exposition of the Mysteries (web)

Web Links

3/13 Maximus, Monothelitism, and the End of Antiquity

Read: Chadwick, 211-13; The Capture of Jerusalem (web); Maximos the Confessor, Chapters on Knowledge (selections: web


FINAL EXAM: Friday, March 21, 8 AM