J619 Graduate Student Teaching Experience Fall 2008


Updated 9-23-08


One goal of the course is to provide each of the first-year doctoral students and others graduate students with the challenge and opportunity of preparing a lecture for a mid-to-large undergraduate class.




Each student will need to contact an instructor in one of the larger Journalism and Communication classes offered this term (Possibilities: J201, 202, 203, 204, 320, 385, 397) and discuss the possibility of a guest presentation. This can be a course in which the student is already a GTF, or it can be a course whose topic is already familiar to the graduate student. Remember: The primary goal of the assignment is to demonstrate teaching skills, not to research a new subject for the presentation.


Students should be in contact with instructors in the first two or three weeks of the term to discuss a mutually satisfactory topic and form of the presentation. If possible, the guest presentation should take place after the fifth week. The presentation should be planned to be at least 40 minutes in length. A detailed plan for the guest lecture that addresses both content and technique is due in J619 one week in advance.


            Once the topic, date and time of the presentation are agreed upon by both the instructor and the student, the student is responsible for contacting Georgeanne Cooper <gcooper@uoregon.edu>, director of the Teaching Effectiveness Program, to schedule a videotaping and a critique from TEP. This should be done as soon as possible because of the lead time necessary for scheduling. Notify me as well, so I can prepare a presentation schedule for J619.


            In addition to the analysis offered by TEP, the instructors will be asked to provide formal written feedback on the presentation, using the following criteria:

n      Clarity and organization of the content.

n      Command and communication of the subject matter.

n      Rapport and interaction with students.

n      Appropriate use of classroom technology.

n      Areas of particular strength.

n      Areas for improvement in the future.


            The student also will write a formal self-evaluation for the instructor and for possible use in the Teaching Portfolio. During the last course meetings, students will be be asked to bring a short video excerpt from their presentation for discussion.