Reading Guide: Weeks 7-10

Generally, read all of chapters 20-24 for information on trends and events after 1945. Check previous chapters for information on events in the same time period. Specific chapters are provided below.

Chapter 23: Pay special attention to pp. 441-445 on the history of television. How did other media adapt to televison?.

You might find the section on the McCarthy hearings interesting, because of the recent movie "Good Night and Good Luck."

Questions about this chapter and also Chapter 24:

How do new media, including television, shape the political and social culture?

What is the effect on the various communication professions and how the media industries relate to one another?

What about the role of measured public opinion -- polls, surveys, ratings?

How do changing media and professional practices shape what Americans learn about events in wartime?

The more context you can find in these chapters or the material we cover in lecture, the better. And, you might find some information that will inform your research paper.