Professor of Decision Sciences

Office Telephone (503) 346-1593

Ph.D., Management, University of Oregon, 1965

MBA, University of Oregon, 1962

B.S., Forestry, Oregon State University, 1959


Production and Operations Management

Forest Industries Management

Total Quality Management


Professor Ramsing has published articles in Management Science, The Journal of Operations Management, and Decision Sciences pertaining to models and concepts of production systems.

He has co-authored a bo ok titled Management Science, A Practical Approach to Decision Making. He has contributed chapters to five other books in addition to several monographs and research reports. He has also published in such journals as The Academy of Management Re view, the Industrial Engineering Journal, Forest Products Journal, and Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Disabilities. He is currently coauthoring a book on industrial development in Thailand.

Professor Ram sing has focused his interests on issues pertaining to the strategic dimensions of manufacturing and operations management, in particular, comparing U.S. manufacturing techniques to those used in other countries. His research into manufacturing strategy a ctivities deals specifically with the operations management decisions that change the course and character of an industrial or service organization. He has served as a consultant to Weyerhaeuser, Champion International, U.S. Steel Corporation, Voest Alpin e (Austria), Chemie Linz (Austria), and other smaller companies in the manufacturing, wood products, medical and service industries. He has addressed issues such as acquisition evaluation, Total Quality Management (TQM) and production and operations prob lems in the manufacturing area.

Professor Ramsing has given lectures in Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Korea and Taiwan. He has been a visiting professor at Purdue University, Ohio State University, The SANNO Institute (Tokyo, Japan), The Netherlands Sc hool of Business (Nijienrode, The Netherlands), University of Linz (Linz, Austria), and The National Institute of Development Administration (Bangkok, Thailand) and Kasetsart University (Bangkok, Thailand).

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