FHC Approval Rating - October 95

Nove meses apos a sua posse, o governo de Fernando Henrique Cardoso
  tem 42% de avaliacao como otimo e bom.
  O indice esta esta praticamente estavel desde marco, mes em FHC teve
  39% de aprovacao. O percentual e' proximo aos 40% apurados em junho,
  quando o presidente completou seis meses de governo.
  Para 62% da populacao, o desemprego aumentara nos proximos meses.
                                        FSP    1    02/10/95

FHC Approval Rating - May 96

The administration's approval rating, which stood at 38 percent in March, fell to 25 percent in a May poll carried out in Sao Paulo by the Datafolha Institute.

Almost 69 percent of the respondents said the government's main priorities should be health care, housing and education.

Cardoso's rating was also quite poor in another poll carried out by the Vox Populi Institute in Brazil's 8 largest cities. On a scale of 1 to 10, the survey gave his administration an average rating of 3.3 in ten separate areas of government policy. The highest rating his administration received was 4.9 in reducing inflation. The lowest rating was 1.9 in the the area of reducing unemployment.

Other ratings:

Privatization: 3.7

Agrarian Reform: 3.1