University of Oregon

Mus 322 Fall 1998

School of Music

Music Fundamentals

Instructor: Randall Moore

10 MWF in 105 Music

101 Music 346-3777

Home Page:

Office Hours: U & F 2:00-3:00pm and by appointment

(Click here to see Course Calendar)


This course is a recommended basic music course for all students applying
for admittance in the Graduate Teacher Elementary-Middle School Education Program.


1. To stimulate thinking concerning the role of music in schools and
what actions teachers take to integrate music into school curricula.

2. To develop musical skills that can be used by teachers in elementary and middle schools.

3. To learn the basic rudiments of music theory.


1. Grant Newman (1995). Teaching Children Music (4th Ed.). Brown & Benchmark.

2. Randall Moore. learning recorder through folksong. UO Printing.

3. Soprano recorder.(Aulos)


1. Recognize and read musical notation.

2. Perform folksong melodies on recorder

3. Perform instrumental accompaniments for singing.

4. Sing 30 folksongs from memory for the instructor.

5. Read the text and achieve 90% on quizzes.

6. Lead class in rote song and listening lesson.

7. Attend one concert in Beall Hall and write a concert report of 2 full pages minimum.
Use musical terms to describe the concert music and tell how you would
prepare children to listen to the concert.

8. Teach mini music lesson to children and document with a written report and lesson plan.

9. Pass written and performance quizzes and final examinations.


Evaluation: A = 90-100%, B = 80-89%, C. = 70-79%, D = 60-69%, F = 59 or below.

  • 25% Written and Performance Quizzes
  • 15% Song Memorization and Performance
  • 15% Attendance and Participation
  • 15% Concert and Teaching Reports
  • 30% Written and Performance Final Exams

COURSE CALENDAR Music 322 - Fall 1998




Sept 28 Syllabus

30 Name Songs

Oct. 2 Rhythms

5 Text: 1-13

7 14-29

9 30-52 Rhythm Quiz

12 Melody 53-70, Recorders

14 71-81

16 82-104

19 Melody Quiz, Recorders

21 Texture/Harmony, 105-114

23 FAT CATS, 115-125

26 126-147
Concert Report DUE

28 Texture/Harmony Quiz

30 Form 149-159, Rote Songs

Nov 2 160-167
Teach Rote Songs

4 Form Quiz, Teach Rote Songs

6 Tempo & Dynamics, 169-175

9 Tone Color, 174-185

11 186-201

13 T,D,T/C Quiz

16 Listening, 203-216

18 217-227
How to Teach Listening

20 228-235

23 Singing 237-255
Teach Listening Lessons

25 256-264
Teach Listening Lessons

27 Thanksgiving, no classes

30 Music Reading, 267-283
Teach Listening Lessons

Dec.2 Music Writing, 284-296

Dec.4 Evaluation, 299-320

8 Tues. 15:15 FINAL EXAM
sign-up for individual exams

Individual exams
Finals Week

Individual exams
Finals Week