A. What do measures of marital satisfaction measure?
1. Compare
the DAS with the MSI (Snyder) in terms of items, format,
and useful information
2. What does
"conventionalization" items refer to?
3. What is
the relationship between conventionalization" and satisfaction?
4. How could
we improve on concepts of marital "satisfaction" and
B. The Areas of Change Questionnaire
1. What does the ACQ
2. How would you use the ACQ in a hetero-trait assessment
of marriage?
IV. Behavioral Observation of
Marital Interaction
(New material in this sub-section draws on Weiss & Heyman chapter)
A. Uses and
descriptions of micro- and macro-coding systems
1. The MICS --examples
2. Structuring interaction behaviors
3. Use of behavioral observation data
a. Base rates
b. Sequential analyses of marital behaviors
B. Some measures
of affect