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Analysis Seminar Schedule
The analysis seminar is held on Tuesdays 2:00--2:50 in Deady Hall,
Room 210, unless other information is posted.
All talks by University of Oregon speakers are subject to
postponement in case the slot is needed for a visitor.
To receive updates to the analysis seminar schedule by email,
or to arrange to speak in the analysis seminar,
email N. Christopher Phillips.
Last updated: 30 May 2013.
Spring 2013
Thursday 30 May
Note: Unusual day, time (3:00 pm), place (119 Fenton).
Speaker: Ilan Hirshberg
Speaker's institution: Ben Gurion University of the Negev.
Title: Rokhlin dimension for automorphisms of C*-algebras.
Local contact person: N. Christopher Phillips
Notes: 3:00 pm, 119 Fenton.
Tuesday 4 June
Speaker: Julian Buck
Speaker's institution: Francis Marion University.
Title: Strict comparison and Z-stability for certain crossed product
Local contact person: N. Christopher Phillips
Tuesday 11 June
Finals week--probably no analysis seminar.
Fall 2013
Tuesday 1 Oct.
First week of classes--probably no analysis seminar.
Tuesday 8 Oct.
Speaker: Min Ro
Speaker's institution: University of Oregon.
Local contact person: N. Christopher Phillips
Tuesday 15 Oct.
Tuesday 22 Oct.
Tuesday 29 Oct.
Tuesday 5 Nov.
Tuesday 12 Nov.
Tuesday 19 Nov.
Tuesday 26 Nov.
Tuesday 2 Dec.
Tuesday 10 Dec.
Finals week--probably no analysis seminar.