Topics for Paper I, REL 407/507 Buddhism in American Narratives

Due Tuesday, April 22, 2003, in class.


1. Discuss the relation between Buddhism as a commodity and Buddhism as vehicle of inconceivable liberation as found in Coffinman. One way to focus the topic is to examine the tension in funerary practices in Japanese Buddhism. (For additional discussion, see Mark Unno, "The Voice of Sacred Texts in the Ocean of Compassion: The Case of Shin Buddhism in America.")

2. Compare and contrast the accounts of Pure Land Buddhism as found in Coffinman and Higan-Compassionate Vow. What are two points of basic similarity, and two points of cultural and/or religious difference?

3. Discuss the potential strengths and weaknesses of Seager's categorization of American Buddhism into convert versus immigrant Buddhism. Provide concrete illustrations including those from other sources read so far in this course.

4. The interdependence and oneness of all beings and things is a prominent theme in Mahayana Buddhism. Discuss three instances of interdependence/oneness in EITHER Coffinman OR Higan-Compassionate Vow, relating to one each: people, other living creatures, and inanimate objects. What are the potential problems with this kind of religious or philosophical idea?