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Myron (Mick) Rothbart -- University of Oregon
Social Psychology Laboratory

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 Selected Journals & Book Chapters

  1. Rothbart, M., Fulero, S., Jensen, C., Howard, J., & Birrell, P. (1978). From individual to group impressions: Availability heuristics in stereotype formation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 14, 237-255. 

  2. Rothbart, M., Evans, M., & Fulero, S. (1979). Recall for confirming events: Memory processes and the maintenance of social stereotypes. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 15, 343-355.

  3. Howard, J. W., & Rothbart, M. (1980). Social categorization and memory for in-group and out-group behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 38(2), 301-310.

  4. Rothbart, M. (1981). Memory processes and social beliefs. In D. Hamilton (Ed.), Cognitive processes in stereotyping and intergroup perception. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

  5. Park, B., & Rothbart, M. (1982). Perception of out-group homogeneity and levels of social categorization: Memory for the subordinate attributes of in-group and out-group members. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 42(6), 1051-1068.

  6. Rothbart, M., Dawes, R., & Park, B. (1984). Stereotyping and sampling biases in intergroup perception. In J. R. Eiser (Ed.), Attitudinal judgment (pp. 109-134). New York: Springer-Verlag.

  7. Arkes, H. R., & Rothbart, M. (1985). Memory, retrieval, and contingency judgments. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 49(3), 598-606.

  8. Rothbart, M., & John, O. P. (1985). Social categorization and behavioral episodes: A cognitive analysis of the effects of intergroup contact. Journal of Social Issues, 41(3), 81-104.

  9. Srull, T. K., Lichtenstein, M., & Rothbart, M. (1985). Associative storage and retrieval processes in person memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 11(2), 316-345.

  10. Rothbart, M., & Park, B. (1986). On the confirmability and discomfirmability of trait concepts. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 50(1), 131-142.

  11. Hamilton, S., Rothbart, M., & Dawes, R. M. (1986). Sex bias, diagnosis, and DSM-III. Sex Roles, 15, 279-284.

  12. Rothbart, M. (1986). Computer modeling Freud. Review of C. Wegman's Psychoanalysis and cognitive psychology: A formalization of Freud's earliest theory. Contemporary Psychology, 31, 502-504.

  13. Krueger, J., & Rothbart, M. (1988). The use of categorical and individuating information in making inferences about personality. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 55, 187-195.

  14. Rothbart, M. (1988). Categorization and impression formation: Capturing the mind's flexibility. In T. Srull & R. W. Wyer (Eds.), Advances in social cognition (Vol. 1, pp. 139-144). Los Angeles: Erlbaum.

  15. Rothbart, M. & Hallmark, W. (1988). Ingroup-outgroup differences in the perceived efficacy of coercion and conciliation in resolving social conflict. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 55(2), 248-257.

  16. Rothbart, M., & Lewis, S. (1988). Inferring category attributes from exemplar attributes: Geometric shapes and social categories. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 55(6), 861-872.

  17. Krueger, J., Rothbart, M., & Sriram, N. (1989). Category learning and change: Differences in sensitivity to information that enhances or reduces intercategory distinctions.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 56, 866-875.

  18. Krueger, J., & Rothbart, M. (1990). Contrast and accentuation effects in category learning. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 59, 651-663.

  19. Rothbart, M., & Taylor, M. (1992). Category labels and social reality: Do we view social categories as natural kinds? In G. Semin & K. Fiedler (Eds.), Language, interaction and social cognition (pp. 11-36). London: Sage.

  20. Rothbart, M. (1993). Intergroup perception and social conflict. In S. Worchel & J. Simpson (Eds.), Conflict between people and groups: Causes, processes, and resolutions (pp. 93-109, 277-279). Chicago: Nelson-Hall.

  21. Rothbart, M., & John, O. (1993). Intergroup relations and stereotype change: A social-cognitive analysis and some longitudinal findings. In P. M. Sniderman, P. E. Tetlock, & E. G. Carmines (Eds.), Prejudice, politics, and race in America (pp. 32-59 & 307-332). Stanford: Stanford University Press.

  22. Rothbart, M., & Lewis, S. (1994). Cognitive processes and intergroup relations: A historical perspective. In P. Devine, D. Hamilton, & T. Ostrom (Eds.), Social cognition: Impact on social psychology (pp. 347-382). New York: Academic Press.

  23. Maurer, K. L., Park, B., & Rothbart, M. (1995). Subtyping versus subgrouping processes in stereotype representation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69, 812-824.

  24. Cadinu, M. R., & Rothbart, M. (1996). Self-anchoring and differentiation processes in the minimal group paradigm. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70, 661-677. Abstract & Full Text

  25. Rothbart, M. (1996). Category-exemplar dynamics and stereotype change. In Y. Amir & J. Schwarzwald (Eds.), [Special Issue], International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 20, 305-321. Abstract & Full Text

  26. Rothbart, M., & Mauro, R. (1996). Social categories and decision making: How much differentiation do we need? In D. Messick & A. Tenbrunsel (Eds.), Codes of Conduct: Behavioral Research into Business Ethics. (pp. 143-159). New York: Russell Sage. Abstract & Full Text

  27. Rothbart, M., Sriram, N., & Davis-Stitt, C. (1996). The retrieval of typical and atypical category members. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 32, 1-29. Abstract & Full Text

  28. Rothbart, M., Davis-Stitt, C., & Hill, J. (1997). Effects of arbitrarily placed category boundaries on similarity judgments. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 33, 122-145. Abstract & Full Text

  29. Rothbart, M., Mauro, R., Buehmer, J., & Park, B. (1997). Agreement and disagreement in intergroup perception: A case study of six fraternities. Unpublished manuscript.

  30. Peters, E., & Rothbart, M. (2000). Typicality can create, eliminate, and reverse the dilution effect. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 26, 177-187. Abstract & Full Text

  31. Rothbart, M. (2001). Category Dynamics and the Modification of Outgroup Stereotypes. In S. Gaertner and R. Brown (Eds.), Blackwell Handbook in Social Psychology, Volume 4 (Intergroup Processes), (pp 45-64). Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers.

  32. Rothbart, M., & Park, B. (2001, in press). The mental representation of social categories: Category boundaries, entitativity, and stereotype change. In V. Yzerbyt, C. M. Judd, & O. Corneille (Eds.), The psychology of group perception: Perceived variability, entitativity, and essentialism. Brighton, UK: Psychology Press.

  33. Rothbart, M., & Taylor, M. (2001). Commentary on Gil-White's "Are ethnic groups biological 'species' to the human brain? Essentialism in our cognition of some social categories." Current Anthropology, 42(4), 544-545.

  34. Cadinu, M., & Rothbart, M. (2002). Similarity between the self and the ingroup: From Zodiac signs to campus sororities. Manuscript submitted for publication.

  35. Foroni, F., & Rothbart, M. (2003). Perceived similarity within and between categories: the role of source, strength, and implications of verbal labeling in a visual array. Manuscript submitted for publication.

  36. Peters, E., Foroni, F., Pearce, G., & Rothbart, M. (2003). Categorical and complex thinkers: Development of two scales and their relation to needs for simplification and information complexity. Manuscript in preparation.

  37. Rothbart, M., & Lewis, T. L. (2003). Group perception in a marching band: Accentuation of group differences in a favorable intergroup context. Manuscript in preparation.

  38. Rothbart, M., Pong, V., Foroni, F., & Pearce, G. (2003). Social projection as a function of ingroup-outgroup status and liking-disliking of group. Manuscript in preparation.

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