Tami Daley's personal statement

As the Writing Associate for this course, I want to be sure that all of you know that I am here for your benefit. It is my sole job to help you. Having been where you are now and continuing to struggle with the rigors of critical writing and thinking, I can assure you that I understand both its frustrations and rewards. I can offer my empathy to you as you endure the long and painstaking process of writing.

Remember that you are trying to conquer a way of communicating your thoughts and unique ideas. I cannot promise you that I have all of the answers, nor do I think that would be beneficial for any of us. What I can do is lend a trained and unbiased ear. I can help you with research and with the difficult but all-important task of narrowing and clarifying your thesis. I can be a resource, even if I feel inadequate to provide good information, directing you to the people or places that will yield you the best results.

I am dedicated to this position and excited to help you. My hours are flexible and I can be reached by e-mail at any time. I do ask that you call after 8:00 in the morning or before 10:00 at night should you contact me by phone (345-0934). During my scheduled office hours in PLC, you are always welcome to stop by. Due to my hectic schedule, I will not regularly attend class after the first week, but will be sure to attend on the days of the group presentations. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, in lieu of being in class, I will often station myself in the library so that I can be easily found. Again, I look forward to supporting all of you through the process of writing.

P.S. I am a PEER and not to be admired or feared. :)

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