JPN 306 Intro. to Japanese Literature

Oe Kenzaburo

1. How did Oe Kenzaburo feel as a child when American soldiers threw candy and cigarettes to the Japanese? Was he grateful?

2. What experience did Oe have on the day the end of the war was announced?

3. What common themes link Oe's fiction and essays?

4. In "Prize Stock," to what extent are the villagers immune from the war?

5. What are the lines of authority we see expresed in "Prize Stock"?

6. What examples of violence and sexuality do you see in this story?

7. What does the black flier have in common with the people of the village?

8. List two examples of lethal violence that come at the end of this story.

9. What would you say this story is ultimately about?

Last Update: May 3, 2001 -- Andrea Erickson
Dept. of East Asian Languages and Literatures    University of Oregon