JPN 306 Intro. to Japanese Literature

Hayashi Fumiko

1. In what sense was Hayashi Fumiko an anarchist?

2. Why did Hayashi choose to become a writer?

3. How successful was she as a writer?

4. What sort of reports did Hayashi send home as a war correspondent?

5. How did Hayashi depict women in the postwar era?

6. Compare Tsuruishi's shack with Mrs. Otani's home.

7. What sort of dilemmas does Ryo face?

8. What bonds link Tsuruishi and Ryo?

9. What emotional struggle does Ryo have within herself?

10. The traditional idea is "good wife, wise mother." How does Ryo conform to this ideal?

11. What makes Tsuruishi's death so shocking? How does Ryo respond to it?

Last Update: April 13, 2001 -- Andrea Erickson
Dept. of East Asian Languages and Literatures    University of Oregon