1. Recall
    1. the central question: is freedom in Berlin based on a generally accepted notion of what liberty means? or on the lack of an effective authority?
    2. the fatal alliance of the social democrats and the miliary. Ebert could not rule without the support of the regular army; yet the regular army would only support the government if it guaranteed its primacy and opposed the leftists. 137: Where is the army stood: von Seekt replies: the army stands behind me.
    3. all levels of the govt and perhaps too of society were willing to acquiesce in the suppression of the radical leftists, and to tolerate extremist behavior on the right. Who is feared more? 138ff.
  2. anti-Semitism: The two perspectives. In Weimar period not only "equalized" but come to dominate the life of the city. What is happening? Note Rathenau's ambiguity not only about Judaism, but also about capitalism.
  3. Inflation: Causes: reparations? govt debt from WWI had to be covered? a gigantic fraud by the govt and by private parties...printing more money...Results: food become currency...material possessions counted. Consequences: speculation --repay in worthless notes, destroys credit...foreigners buy out German industry and culture goods. Why so frightening? loss of assets? demoralization esp of middle class (127)? to moral decadence? when obligations are no longer met? does higher culture depend on some kind of fiscal security? Note conclusion on 127--"girls learned that virginity did not matter any more. The women were liberated! 128. all values changed, Berlin became the Babylon of the world...the most immoral city. Nationalish putsch against that "sinful Babel, Berlin". Berlin also the capital of the November criminals.