My article in Eugene's "Register Gurad" and related discussions

The article was my first shot at the issue of dicrimination of conservative and religious people at the UO campus. Its original title was "Ugly ducklings on the campus pond". The "Register Guard" (RG) changed the title and asked me to shorten the article to make it fit into 800 words limit. So I had to drop some of my arguments. The article can be found here:

  • My RG article

    The reaction to the article was as follows:

  • 1). A dozen of warm private letters and one weird criptic private letter.
  • 2). A rebuttal by B. McWhirter and 13 other Ed. School professors.
  • 3). Several critical letters of readers published by RG in its Letters column.
  • 4). Several interesting blog discussions.

    Let us consider those one-by-one.

  • I will not post private letters unless their authors write to me and suggest otherwise. Very shortly, there were two categories of letters: 1). I am a liberal, but I think your comments are justified, and at any rate, congratulations on the well written piece; 2). I am a conservative, and I was very pleased and surprised to learn that there still are reasonable people at UO. I hope you will not suffer too much for saying truth.

  • Rebuttal by B. McWhirter

    I have written to Professor B. McWhirter twice with the invitation to debate the issues at hand publicly, privately, over e-mail, over coffee, over beer, or in any other fashion. He says that "at this time" he "is not interested in having a debate about the issues of diversity" as I "have framed them". So here is my brief response:

  • My response to B. McWhirter

  • Discussions of the points raised in the critical letters

  • Links to some blog discussions: here (highly recommended) and here.

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