Dufek Multiphase Flow Group


My research is primarily focused on the application of fluid dynamics to understand mass and energy transfer in geological processes, with particular emphasis on volcanic systems. Most processes in nature involve multiple phases: for instance ash particles interacting with a turbulent gas carrier phase in an explosive volcanic eruption or bubbles exsolving and interacting with magma in a conduit. One of my research's goals is to delineate how multiphase interactions contribute to the structure and composition of igneous systems, and the role of such interactions in determining the dynamics and deposit architecture of volcanic flows.

My research can be broadly grouped into two categories: 1) melting and mixing in the crust and mantle and the geochemical consequences of these processes, and 2) the dynamics of turbulent multiphase flows, and in particular the dynamics of explosive volcanic eruptions and particle laden gravity currents, such as pyroclastic flows or turbidity currents. I am also interested in how these flows influence the landscape evolution on the Earth and other planets in our solar system. To learn more about the details of this research either follow the link on the left or select the pertinent rotating image above.

I'm currently looking for students and postdocs interested in physical volcanology, environmental multiphase flow, or planetary surface processes. The topics our group will be examining are interdisciplinary, and students with a variety of backgrounds (geology, geophysics, atmospheric science, physics, mathematics, etc) are encouraged to contact me if they have an interest in these topics.

Recent Research Examples:

  • Eruptive and Environmental Flows

    Our group examines the multiphase fluid dynamics of volcanic eruptions and environmental flows such as dust storms, debris flows, and forest fire plumes. This work involves a mixture of computational approaches, lab experiments, and field measurements of active flows and deposits.

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  • Magma Dynamics

    We use lab and computional approaches to examine heat and mass transfer associated with magmatic intrusions. This work also incorporates geophysical measurements and we are interested in the link between physical processes and geophysical signals.

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  • Microphysical Experiments and Sensors

    We investigate processes occuring at the grain scale and smaller, and conduct experiments to examine the influence of non-local behavior. This work is used to develop process-based models and subgrid models for multiphase flow. We also are interested in the development of sensors and sensor networks to better characterize flow properties in experiments and in natural flows.

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Principal Investigator

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Josef Dufek

Lillis Chair, Center Director

Volcanology, Geodynamics

Josef Dufek studies physical processes in planetary interiors, volcanic eruption dynamics, and multiphase flows that shape the landscape and atmosphere. The Dufek group is primarily focused on the application of fluid dynamics to understand mass and energy transfer in geological and atmospheric processes, with particular emphasis on volcanic and planetary systems. One of the lab’s research goals is to delineate how multiphase interactions contribute to the structure and composition of planetary interiors, and the role of such interactions in determining the dynamics and deposits of geophysical flows using computational, experimental and field studies.

Josef Dufek received a B.S. in Geophysical Sciences from the University of Chicago and a Ph.D. in Earth and Space Science from the University of Washington. He was a Miller Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley, and was a Professor in the School of Earth and Atmospheric Science at Georgia Tech from 2008-2018 and Associate Chair in the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences from 2014-2018. He is currently the Gwen and Charles Lillis Chair in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Oregon and is a faculty associate of the Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact.

Graduate Students

Information for Prospective Students

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Becca Bussard

Graduate Student

Advisors: Dufek and Townsend

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Annika Dechert

Graduate Student

Advisor: Josef Dufek

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MaKayla Etheredge

Graduate Student

Advisors: Josef Dufek & Kathy Cashman

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Chris Harper

Graduate Student

Advisor: Josef Dufek

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Rudi Lien

Graduate Student

Advisor: Josef Dufek

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Allison Kubo

Graduate Student

Advisor: Josef Dufek and Leif Karlstrom

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Paul Regensburger

Graduate Student

Advisor: Josef Dufek & Carol Paty

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PJ Zrelak

Graduate Student

Advisor: Josef Dufek

Undergraduate Researchers

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Zack Martin

Undergraduate Researcher

Advisor: Josef Dufek

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Blake Nash-Laboe

Researcher and Lab Tech.

Advisor: Josef Dufek

Postdocs and Research Scientists


  • Featured Student: PJ Zrelak‘y research focuses on how geophysical granular flows (e.g., debris flows, pyroclastic density currents, and debris avalanches) interact with their substrate.
  • css image sliderIn particular, I am trying to understand what flow information is effectively encoded in these basal interactions, and how this might result in a seismic signal that can be safely measured from a distance.
  • Fun FactsIn particular, I am trying to understand what flow information is effectively encoded in these basal interactions, and how this might result in a seismic signal that can be safely measured from a distance.
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Dufek Lab



Professor Dufek teaches a range of undergraduate and graduate courses focused on the interaction of the solid Earth and the atmosphere, volcanology and fluids, and computational, field and lab measurements. These courses particularly focus on experiential learning; student performing measurements, calculations and experiments to develop understanding.


• Building an Atmosphere (ERTH 399): In this class students use planetary observations and the climate record to understand atmospheric structure and dynamics in an exercise in comparative planetology. In the process they develop the tools to calculate energy balance in the atmosphere and understand heat transfer arguments, feedback mechanisms, the connection of the atmosphere with the degassing history of a planet, stellar evolution’s impact on atmospheric conditions, and the evolving composition and temperature of our present atmosphere.

• Geophysical and Environmental Sensors: Sensor Theory, Integration and Computation (ERTH 416/516, 2021, 2022, 2023): Advanced class for undergraduate and graduate students that provide students an introduction to sensors, microcontrollers, automation, data collection and scripting from the perspective of sensing the Earth and the environment. The course particular focuses on material and electrical properties of materials that make them good candidates for either active or passive sensors and using these properties to detect quantifiable changes in the environment and combines theory, microcontroller programming, and sensor design and testing.

• Advanced Volcanology (ERTH 692, 2018, 2020, 2023): Advanced class for undergraduate and graduate students that examines the physics of magma transport, the eruptive process and modern techniques of real-time observation. This class also examines in a broader sense the role of magma production, volatile budgets and large scale heat transfer.

• Field Methods in Volcanology (ERTH 410/510, 2018, 2019, 2023): Project based class for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Students work on developing writing skills, learn field skills, and develop proposals. The course involves a field component where students complete their projects and also learn about modern techniques used in volcanology.

• Finite Volume Methods (ERTH 607): This class focused on developing the modelling skills of graduate students, and focused on developing a deep understanding of the finite volume approach to discretizing conservation equations. The course focused on hands-on programming and students worked on several projects and became familiar with the Talapas cluster.

• International Volcanology Seminar (ERTH 607): This course is designed to promote the science of early career researchers in volcano science, foster community in this field, enhance professional development of graduate and postdoctoral researchers, and promote equity and representation in volcanology. Each week (on Tuesday) global participants will participate in a seminar that features the work of an early career scientist, panels on professional development, or a webinar related to advances in volcanology, particularly those related to the SZ4D initiative. Every week we also discuss papers related to the upcoming seminar.

Courses taught (Georgia Tech)

• Geofluids (2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017) – Intermediate class for undergraduate and graduate students that examines fluid dynamics of geologic and atmospheric processes, from low Reynolds number to high Reynolds number, compressible flows.

• Natural Hazards (2011, 2012) Introductory class that examines the conceptual physics behind different natural hazards, the history of their study, and introduces hazard mitigation concepts. I have taught this class as a joint public policy class where we read primary literature from the time of the hazard and also examine the public perception compared to on-going scientific analysis.

• Physical Sedimentology (2014) Intermediate class examining the fluid-particle and particle-particle interactions that occur in the atmosphere, land surfaces and surface waters that redistribute sediment. Course would emphasize how local interactions lead to large-scale phenomena and would review the history of study of particle-suspension and bed-load theory.

• Physical Volcanology (2009, 2012, 2014, 2016) Advanced class for undergraduate and graduate students that examines the physics of magma transport, the eruptive process and modern techniques of real-time observation. This class also examines in a broader sense the role of magma production, volatile budgets and large scale heat transfer.

• Environmental Field Methods (2014) Undergraduate capstone class involving geochemistry and geophysics of the coastal/marine environment (activities based out of Atlanta and Savannah).

• Volcanic Field Methods (2013, 2014, 2016) Project based class for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Students work on developing writing skills, learn field skills, and develop proposals. The course involves a field component where students complete their projects and also learn about modern techniques used in volcanology.

• Multiphase Flow (2015) Advanced undergraduate and graduate class on turbulent flow and modern theoretical, computational and experimental techniques that can be used to understand two-way feedback in particle-fluid systems.