The Land and Water Establishment for Legal Studies and Services (LAWE) is
a human rights and environmental law firm whose headquarters are in
Land and Water Establishment
Anata-Shu'fat Crossway
PO Box 20873, East Jerusalem, via Israel
Telephone: 972-2-812364/824559
Fax: 972-2-811072
We are an NGO, human rights advocacy group focused on land confiscation,
property destruction, and environmental protection. LAWE was established
five years ago by Khader Shkeirat and Shawqi Issa to provide free legal
services to those in need in the West Bank and Gaza concerning land
confiscation and property destruction, and since then have expanded their
work to include environmental degradation. LAWE currently has offices in
Nablus, Qalqilya, Bethlehem, Ramallah and in Gaza, and has 17 full-time
employees. We are planning on expanding our services in 1995, and are
studying ways to more effectively prevent settlement expansion and
environmental destruction. There are nine full-time lawyers, 4
field-workers, 4 support staff.