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ICEL WALHI Indonesia flag E-LAW Indonesia consists of three public-interest organizations in partnership, WALHI, ICEL, and LBH.

Indonesian Center for Environmental Law

The Lembaga Pengembangan Hukum Lingkungan Indonesia, or the Indonesian Center for Environmental Law ICEL) was established on 19 July 1993, as a legal entity in the form of a foundation. ICEL is a non- profit making organization, strongly committed to endeavoring to preserve our living environment, with emphasis OQ environmental law.


ICEL is a Self- reliant Comnmunity Institution with the objectives of: (1) Making a positive contribution to the development and reform of environmental law in Indonesia, at the regional and international level, (2) Enhancing the capacity of public interest environmental lawyers, (3) Supporting any defense efforts by the community in dealing with enviromental problems, and, (4) Disseminating information on legal principles and development in the context of sustainable development in Indonesia as well as in other countries.



Efforts to form a public policy on environmental management

ICEL provides input to the House of People's Representatives, at both central level and regional level, and to the Government (the executive) in the form of thoughts on alternative laws and policies to cope with various environmental problems.

} Advocacy

ICEL also gives legal assistance, either directly or indirectly in the form of support and consultation to groups in the community that are suffering damage or loss and to Self- reliant Community Institutions that advocate environmental cases. Advocacy is also often carried out through efforts to form public opinion and the promotion of the public's legal consciousness through press releases and holding of discussions on environmental law.

* Studies and Research

ICEL is carrying out studies and research into various legal problems and environmental policies. Those that have so far been completed are studies on the implementation of Alternative Mechanisms in Settling Disputes (Mekanisme Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa = MAPS) in environmental cases, and Analysis of the Effectiveness of Policies, Regulations, Programs and Institutions that are related to the Control of Industrial Pollution in

Indonesia (Efektifitas Kebijaksanaan, Peraturan, Program dan Institusi yang berkaitan dengan Pengendalian Pencemaran Industri di Indonesia), and the study on Community Participation in the Management of Forests in Indonesia.

} Workshop and Training

ICEL offers education and training to public environmental activists, Self- reliant Community Institutions, legal experts and practitioners, university people and students in the form of conferences, workshops, seminars, discussions, opportunities for apprenticeships at ICEL, etc. In the first part of 1995, ICEL is scheduled to carry out a training program entitled "Training in Environmental Advocacy" (Training Advokasi Lingkungan), and also Simulated Hearings of Environmental Cases in the form of a Moot Court Competition for students of Faculties of Law throughout Indonesia.

} Publications

ICEL has published and distributed in the form of books, the results of various studies and research projects as well as other information on developments in various aspects of environmental law. According to present plans, ICEL is preparing several books, including, "Himpunan Peraturan Perundang- undangan Pengendalian Pencemaran Industri" (A Compilation of Statutory Regulations on the Control of Industrial Pollution), furnished with analysis and comments, and "Himpunan Kasus- kasus Lingkungan" (A Compilation of Environmental Cases), which covers cases of environmental law enforcement through the courts, administrative environmental law enforcement and environmental law enforcement through Alternative Mechanisms in the Settlement of Disputes (MAPS), and Law on Sustainable Development in the context of Indonesia. Periodically ICEL also publishes several publications, such as:

(I) Jurnal Hukum Lingkungan (JHL- ICEL) (The Journal on Environmental Law)

JHL- ICEL is a quarterly journal that presents in a thorough and critical manner certain concepts, ideas, and thoughts from environmental law experts and practitioners concerning various issues in the field of environmental law that are related to sustainable developments.

This Journal on Environmental Law can be obtained in bookstores and students co- operatives or it can be ordered direct from the editor of JHL- ICEL.

(2) Information Bulletin

ICEL's bulletin of "Information, Law and Environmental Advocacy", deals with several issues of current interest, as well as environmental cases. This Bulletin presents various short analysis of cases that have occured in Indonesia and other countries throughout the world, which will be very useful in supporting environmental activists, the government and the public at large in carrying out their mission of protecting the environ

ment. The ICEL Bulletin comes out twice a month and is distributed free of charge.

} Library

With tens of thousands of topics contained in the r

hundreds of books, magazines, journals, bulletins, working pa

pers, results of studies and research, and textbooks, ICEL is

preparing itself to be the most complete data, information and

documentation (IN- DOC) center of various literature in the field

of environmental law in Indonesia. In the development of an In Doc

system, ICEL has worked out co- operation with Environmental

Law Alliance Worldwide (E- LAW) organizations in various coun

tries, and several international institutions, such as the Van j

Vollenhoven Institute for Law and Administration in non- Western I

Countries, Leiden, the Netherlands, and the Australian Center for

Environmental Law (ICEL), University of Sydney, Australia,

the Ford Foundation, the Asia Foundation, and Environmental

Management Development Indonesia (EMDI) project.

The above- mentioned treasury of scientific literature

is enriched with data on environmental cases along with the

related analysis of experts and practitioners, and also the study S

results of ICEL itself. This literature is generally written in two |

languages, Indonesian and English. Much of the above- mentioned

literature can contribute to researchers, academics, Self- reliant

Community Institution activists, students and other who are

interested in environmental law, who would use it as reference

material. The ICEL library is open to the public and can be visited

on Mondays through Thursdays, between 09.00 and l5 00 hours.


In the endeavor to achieve its objectives, ICEL is divided into

two bodies, the Board of Trustees and the Executive Board.

The Board of Trustees consists of a maximum eleven members


a minimum five members. The Board of Trustees as the


authority in the foundation, is responsible for developing and

maintaining the viability of the foundation, while the


Board is responsible for implementing ICEL's programs. The

Board of Trustees has approved the appointment of Mas


Santosa, S.H., LL.M., as Executive Director for the period




Board of Trustees: Muchammad Zaidun, S.H. (Chairman)

Sandra Yati Moniaga, S.H. (Vice Chairman) - Wahyuni Bahar, S.H.

LL.M. (Secretary) - Mas Achmad Santosa, S. H., LL.M. (member),

Harman Benediktus, S.H. (member)

Board of Executives: Mas Achmad Santosa, S.H., LL.M. (Exe

cutive D^rector) - Sulaiman N. Sembiring, S.H. (Internal Manager)

Tedjabayu (Acting Manager of Information and Documentation)

Tutiek Purnama Dewi, S.H. (Secretary)

Researchers: Mas Achmad Santosa, S.H., LL.M. - Sulaiman N.

Sembiring, S.H. - T.M. Luthfi Yazid, S.H. - Firsty Husbani, S.H.

Tri Legono YMN, S.H.

Associate Researchers: Muchammad Zaidun, S.H., - Wahyuni

Bahar, S.H., LL.M. - Sandra Yati Moniaga, S.H. - Takdir

Rahmadi, S.H., LL.M. - Stefanus Haryanto, S.H., LL.M.


Center for



L embaga


Hukum Lingkungan



Jl. Kerinci IX/34 Kebayoran Baru,

Jakarta 12120, Indonesia

Phone: 62- 21- 7262482

Fax.: 62- 21- 7262482

E- mail: icel@igc.apc.org.

Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia Indonesian Forum for the Environment


Jln. Penjernihan 1 /15, Kompleks Keuangan

Pejompongan, Jakarta 10210

Tel. (62-21)-;573-3975, 573-6820

Fax. (62-21)573-8416

WALHI (The Indonesian Forum for the Environment) was founded on October 15, 1980 in response to the need for a forum for Indonesian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) concerned by the detrimental ecological impacts of development. Now hundreds of NGOs from throughout Indonesia are actively involved in WALHI's Regional Forums and attend triennial National Environmental Meetings.

Goals and Principles

WALHI aims to stimulate a development process which enhances the welfare of vulnerable communities without diminishing the quality of natural resources or ecosystems for future generations. The principle of equity guides WALHI's efforts to decentralize the authority over and management of Indonesia's natural resources. WALHI collaborates in this endeavor with a wide variety of institutions sharing this vision.


- Facilitating the exchange of information, insights, and experiences regarding environmental preservation among NGOs and communities;

Strengthening the Regional Forums' programs, consistent with WALHI's vision and goals;

- Enhancing cooperation among Indonesian NGOs; - Influencing the formulation of national development policies with environmental implications; and - Collaborating with domestic and international organizations and institutions in a common struggle to preserve the environment.


WALHI's members encompass a wide range of institutions with varying interests and activities in the i environmental field. This diverse collection of community development organizations, nature lovers' l clubs, special interest groups, issue-specific NGO networks, and think tanks are all united in their concern l for and knowledge of sustainable development and their commitment to vigorous and responsible involvement in WALHI's activities. WALER prohibits the membership of any institution which causes environmental degradation and all subsidiaries of any political party or organization, government body, armed forces, or corporation.


WALHI's programs are proactive in design, aimed towards advocating the rights of vulnerable communities and the environment, in response to the needs of our members and the Regional Forums. WALHI's activities include:

- Managing an environmental information center which facilitates the exchange of information among NGOs, communities, and the government and packaging such information for educational and advocacy use;

- Administering training and other human resource development programs for NGO members;

- Conducting research, policy reviews, campaigns, and advocacy related to biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management, environmental law, women and the environment; water and sanitation, environmental economics, energy, climate change, forestry, solid and toxic waste management, and the urban environment;

Facilitating NGOs' cooperation with communities, government bodies, educational institutions, mass media, and the private sector through regional, national, and international working networks.



- Regular publication of four newsletters and occasional reports, books,,policy papers, information packets, posters, audiovisual materials, and press releases about emerging environmental issues, in both Indonesian and English;

- Maintenance of an information center, clipping service, library, and audiovisual archive;

- Enhancement of NGO members' abilities to manage and communicate information.

Training and Education

- Nature conservation education for nature lovers' groups and the general public; &

- Environmental Impact Assessment training for 09'()0 activists; |

- Basic legal and technical environmental impact assessment training to victimized communities;

Environmental journalism training fob NGO and mass media journalists; t

Environmental investigation and campaign training to NGO activists; and l

- Internships and participation in outsider opportunities for NGO members. l

Program Development ,

- Workshops on the socioeconomic and educational elements and socialization of environmental issues;

- Consultation with and provision of technical services to NGOS;

- Comprehensive studies of the pulp arid paper industry; the forestry sector; energy forestry, and industry and climate change; and the natural resource economics of several extraction industries; and

- Campaigns to control the development of the pulp anal paper industry; prevent the import into or passage through Indonesian territory of topic, hazardous, or radioactive wastes; better manage forest resources; ha it the development of nuclear power in Indonesia: and implement nature preserve management with a comrnunity-based perspective.

Network development

Establishment of issue-based Networks addressing forestry, pesticides, marine environment, the pulp and paper industry, turtle conservation, nuclear power, and people-based conservation. '

Creation of Regional Forums and Regional Working Groups;

- Hosting of workshops and seminars allowing NGO activists, educators, businesspeople, government officials, consultants, and other decision-makers to exchange information and develop working relationships;

- Broader communication between Indonesian and foreign or international NGOs.


WALHI's organizational structure is as follows:

Plenary Presidium

Executive Council

Resources Internal Program

Development Management Development

Division Division Division

Information \ Personnel Advocacy

Human Information and Study

Network Documentation Campaign

Institution Finance Fund Raising


WALHI often cooperates with the State Ministry for Population and the Environment. Among the funding agencies which support WALHI are Dana Mitra Lingkungan, the Asia Foundation, Canadian International Development Agency, United States Agency for International Development, Friederich Naumann Stiftung, Friederich Ebert Stiftung, Ford Foundation, Panos Institute, OXFAM, and CUSO.

Contact People

The Presidium:

Chair: Mas Achmad Santosa (Jakarta), Vice-Chair: Indro Sugianto tEast Java), Secretary: Rohadji Trie (West Java), Saifudin Gani (DI Aceh), Bening Sunanto (Bengkulu), Alamsyah Hamdani (Nonh Sumatera), Ribut Susanto (Riau), Iman Masfardi (West Sumatera), Charles aambi), Cik Agus Udin (South Sumatera), Kusworo (Lampung), &unawan Bibisono (Central lava), Dour Ismanto (Yogyakarta), Muslich Ismail (Bali and the Lesser Sundas), Via+~~or Parera (the Greater Sundas), Sumarsono S. (West I Kalimantan), Florianus (Central Kalimantan), Faturrachman (South Kalimantan), Tonny D.Kaunang (North Sulawesi), Dedeng Alwi (Central Sulawesi), Lanalefo (Southeast Sulawesi), Sujahri van Gobel (South Sulawesi), Mien Simatauw (the Moluccas), Thomas Beanal (Irian Jaya).

Executive Council: M.S. Zulkarnaen, Zukri Saad, Deddy Triawan S.

Secretariat Staff:

Abdon Nababan, Abdul Salam, Achmad Saikhu, Achmad Taufik, Agus P. Sari, Alex Yusutardi, Anthony L. Hutapea, Anung DB Karyadi, Ari Arief Hidayat, Arimbi Heroeputri, Christina Budi Setiani, Dian Kurniaty, Dina Trisundari, Ekaxvati Kandi Agustrini, Euca Ria Rahrnawati, Hanni Adiati Farchad, Ita Rachmita, Karlina Sutaprawira, Kathryn Sylvia Quick. Lili Hasanuddin, Loiita Vanda Panjaitan, Nina Dwis2santi, Rini Darsono, Riena Luciana, R. Dudy Prawiro K., Sandrayati Moniaga, Sharon Kirschenbaum, Suhardi, Suharno, Suraya Afi[[sterling]]f, Susi Fauziah, Tatiana Kodhyat, Titik Nuraeni, Trinirmalaningrum, Triwuryani, Trully Pingkan D. Frederik, Triyanto, Ujang Achmad Djen, Yafeth Kambai.

(more to come)

John E. Bonine ejohn@igc.apc.org