A. Directories of Clinical Trials

The National Clinical Trials Registry (Australia)

An important contribution to medical research has been achieved by setting up a National Clinical Trials Registry. This Registry is currently focusing on cancer trials.

Clinical Trials Links from Breast Cancer Compendium

NABCO Breast Cancer Clinical Trial Directory

NABCO Trial News

In an effort to increase awareness of clinical trials, NABCO is pleased to announce its participation in a pilot breast cancer initiative in partnership with the National Cancer Institute (NCI). As part of this project, this section of NABCO's home page will list brief descriptive summaries of reviewed and approved clinical trials in PDQ.

NABCO -- Other Breast Cancer Trial Descriptions

"Clinical Trials News" of the Univ. of Pennsylvania Cancer Center

National Action Plan on Breast Cancer -- Clinical Trials page

B. Links to Clinical Trial Information, Not Only Breast Cancer

Welcome to Sterling Clinical Resources!

Sterling Clinical Resources provides a listing of active clinical trials and research projects that are testing treatments for rare chronic disorders.

C. Links to Other Individual Trials

NSABP Breast Cancer Prevention Trial

New Clinical Trial Aimed at Improving Treatment for Breast Cancer

TORONTO, June 6, 1996 -- Improving treatment for women with breast cancer is the focus of a new clinical trial announced jointly today by the National Cancer Institute of Canada and Sandoz Canada Inc.. The trial will be looking at post-operative adjuvant (supplementary) treatment of breast cancer. Approximately 800 Canadian women will be recruited to the trial, which is scheduled to begin in summer 1996.

Breast cancer - Age trial

The Age Trial was set up by the United Kingdom Co-ordinating Committee on Cancer Research (UKCCR) in 1991 as a result of the Forrest Report's...

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