Holly Arrow Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., Social & organizational psychology,
University of Illinois,
Urbana-Champaign, 1996. Minor in methodology.
M.A., Social & organizational psychology,
University of Illinois, 1995.
M.F.A.,Photography/mixed media. University of Colorado,
Boulder, 1982.
B.A., Magna cum laude, philosophy & art, Elmira College,
Elmira, NY, 1977.
1995, Complex Systems Summer School,
Santa Fe Institute, New Mexico
1993, Training program in network analysis, Inter-university
Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), Univ. of
1989, Two-year training program, archetypal psychology, Avalon
Institute, Boulder.
Research Interests
Group Development & Membership Dynamics
* Group formation, adaptation, and transformation
* Emergence and development of group identity, influence structures,
and norms
* Impact of membership composition, diversity, and membership change
on group structure
* Effects of computer-mediation on group development
* Complexity and dynamical systems theory applied to groups
Culture, Gender & Organizations
* Impact of gender composition on the social structure of new
* Emergence and transmission of organizational culture in small
Publications (reverse chronological order)
Arrow, H., McGrath, J. E.,& Berdahl, J. L. (2000). Small groups as complex systems: Formation, coordination, development, and adaptation. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Arrow, H., McGrath, J. E.,& Berdahl, J. L. (2000). The study of groups: Past, present, and future. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 4, 95-105. Cooperation and conflict in interacting groups.
Henry, K. B., Arrow, H., Carini, B. (1999). A tripartite model of group identification: Theory and measurement. Small Group Research, 30 (5), 558-581.
McGrath, J. E., Arrow, H., & Berdahl, J. L. (1999). Cooperation and conflict in interacting groups. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 30(1), 1-14. special issue on social cooperation.
Arrow, H. (1998). Standing out and fitting in: Composition effects on newcomer socialization. In M. Neale, E. Mannix & D. H Gruenfeld, (Eds.), Research on Managing Groups and Teams, Vol. 1, Composition (pp. 59-80). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Arrow, H. (1997). Stability, bistability, and instability in small group influence patterns. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 72, 75-85.
Radhakrishnan, P., Arrow, H., & Sniezek, J. A. (1996). Hoping, performing, learning, and predicting: Toward a dynamic model of self-evaluation of performance. Human Performance, 9, 23-49.
Time, Technology, and Groups: Development, Interaction, and Task Performance Over Time in Computer-Mediated versus Face-to-face Groups, a special issue of CSCW: Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 4, Nos 2-3, J. E. McGrath & H. Arrow, eds.
Arrow, H., Berdahl, J. L., Bouas, K. S, Craig, K. M., Cummings, A., Lebie, L., McGrath, J. E., O'Connor, K. M., Rhoades, J. A., Schlosser, A. (1996). Time, technology, and groups: An integration, 253-261.
Bouas, K. S., & Arrow, H. (1996). The development of group identity in computer and face-to-face groups with membership change, 153-178.
Cummings, A., Schlosser, A., & Arrow, H. (1996). Developing complex group products: Idea combination in computer-mediated and face-to-face groups, 229-251.
McGrath, J. E., & Arrow, H. (1996). Introduction: The JEMCO-2 study of time, technology, and groups, 107-126.
Arrow, H., & McGrath, J. E. (1995). Membership dynamics in groups at work: A theoretical framework. In B. M. Staw & L. L. Cummings (Eds.), Research in Organizational Behavior, 17, 373-411. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
McGrath, J. E., Berdahl, J. L., & Arrow, H. (1995). Traits, expectations, culture and clout: The dynamics of diversity in work groups. In S. E. Jackson & M. N. Ruderman (Eds.), Diversity in work teams: Research paradigms for a changing workplace (pp. 17-45). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Arrow, H., & McGrath, J. E. (1993). Membership matters: How member change and continuity affect small group structure, process, and performance. Small Group Research, 24, 334-361.
McGrath, J. E., Arrow, H., Gruenfeld, D. H, Hollingshead, A. B, & O'Connor, K. M. (1993).
Groups, tasks, and technology: The effects of experience and change. Small Group Research,
24, 406-420.
Work in Progress
Arrow, H., & Henry, K. B. (In preparation). The dynamics of structural integrity: Rethinking structure in groups.
Arrow, H., & Rhoades, J. A. (In preparation). New kid on the screen... or in the flesh: How
member status affects information processing in face-to-face and computer-mediated groups.
Book Reviews
Arrow, H. (1999). Making connections in cyberspace. (Review of S. Kiesler, ed., Culture of the
Internet). Applied Cognitive Psychology, 13, 89-99.
Conference Presentations (reverse chronological order)
Arrow, H., & Crosson, S. (1999, July). Social poker: A new laboratory paradigm for studying the self-organized formation of small groups. Paper presented at the annual meeting, Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and Life Sciences, Berkeley, CA.
Arrow, H., & Henry, K. B. (1999, June). The dynamics of structural integrity: Rethinking structure in groups. Presented at the annual meeting, American Psychological Society (APS), as an address with commentators. Commentators were Richard Moreland and Michael Hogg. Denver, CO.
Arrow, H., Bennett, R., Crosson, S., & Orbell, J. (1999, June). Social poker: A paradigm for studying the formation of self-organized groups. Paper presented at the annual Nags Head conference on groups, networks, organizations, Highland Beach, FL.
Arrow, H. (1998, April). Teams, crews, and task forces: A structural typology of work groups. In R.J. Klimoski (Chair), When is a team a crew -- and does it matter? Symposium at the meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Dallas, TX.
Henry, K. B., Arrow, H., & Carini, B. (1998, April). Theoretical Extensions and organizational applications of the tripartite model of group identification. In K.B. Henry (Chair), Group identity, cohesion, and diversity in work teams. Symposium at the meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Dallas, TX.
Arrow, H., & Rhoades, J. A. (1997, November). Face-to-face and computer-mediated decision making in established groups. Poster presented at the annual meeting, Society for Judgment and Decision-Making, Philadelphia, PA.
Arrow, H. (1997, June). Finding a place, making a mark: Composition effects on newcomer socialization. Invited paper presented at conference on group composition, Stanford University, CA.
Arrow, H. (1997, February). New, old, and slightly used: Effects of gender and tenure on small group influence patterns. Paper presented at the annual meeting, International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, San Diego, CA.
Arrow, H., & Tourkow, I. (1996, May). Creative style and social influence in a simple artistic task. Paper presented at the annual meeting, Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Bouas, K. S., & Arrow, H. (1996, May). The development of group identity in computer and face-to-face groups. Paper presented at the annual meeting, Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Radhakrishnan, P., Probst, T., Sniezek, J., & Arrow, H. (1996, April). The predictive validity of self-evaluations. Poster presented at the 1996 meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
Probst, T., Radhakrishnan, P., Sniezek, J., & Arrow, H. (1995, November). The impact of varying temporal distance on the accuracy of self-evaluations. Poster presented at the annual meeting, Society for Judgment and Decision-Making, Los Angeles, CA.
Arrow, H. (1995, May). Mapping the structural dynamics of groups: Patterns of leadership and influence in times of stability and change. Paper presented at the meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Lualhati, J. C., & Arrow, H. (1995, May). Group constructed meaning from shared experience. Paper presented at the meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Mayer-Kress, G., Diehl, P., Arrow, H. (1994, November). The United Nations and conflict management in a complex world. Presented at the meeting of the Peace Science Society, Urbana-Champaign, IL.
McGrath, J. E., Berdahl, J. L., & Arrow, H. (1994, October). No one has it but all groups do: Diversity as a collective, complex, dynamic property of groups. Paper presented at NSF/APA/CCL conference on work teams characterized by diversity, Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, NC.
Arrow, H., & Radhakrishnan, P. (1992, November). Whad'ya get on the test? A three-exam forecasting task. Poster presented at the annual meeting, Society for Judgment and Decision-Making, St. Louis, MO.
Arrow, H., Harris, J., Oltmans, J., & Chiszar, D. (1991, April). Replicability of strike-induced
chemosensory searching (SICS) in crotalus enyo. Paper presented
at annual meeting,
Colorado-Wyoming Academy of Science, Greeley, CO.
Recent Grants, Honors & Awards
1998-2000, National Science Foundation grant, Decision, Risk and
Management Science program. Co-PI is John Orbell.
1995-96, American Psychological Foundation graduate
research scholarship.
1995-96, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, Center for Entrepreneurial
Leadership Ph.D. dissertation fellowship.
1995, Graduate college dissertation research grant, University of
1995, Nancy Hirschberg Memorial Award for outstanding
1992-95, National Science Foundation predoctoral fellowship.
1994, Best graduate paper on Gender Issues in International
Development, UIUC
Teaching Experience
Assistant to Director, University Writing Program,
University of Colorado, Boulder, 1987-91.
Lecturer, University Writing Program, University of Colorado, 1986-91. Taught expository writing, argument, writing about science and society, business writing, ethical problems, writing for political scientists