African Americans


•      “African American” preferred by most African Americans

•      Largest ethnic minority group at 35 million or 13%  

•      96% of African Americans have ancestors brought here as slaves

Poverty and Ethnicity:
Income and Household Size

Poverty % Rates and Ethnicity

Number of Poor People by Ethnicity

Segregration in the U.S. (Farley):
Most and Least Segregated Cities

•      Segregation = monoethnic housing areas

•      Most segregated

–    Gary, Ind.; Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, Atlanta

•      Least segregated

–    Sacramento; Long Beach; Virginia Beach; Tacoma;  Aurora, Colo

•      Higher segregation associated with higher mortality rates for Whites and Blacks


1600s-1800s: Slavery and the Civil War

•      First African Americans who came to America in 1619 were probably indentured servants, not slaves

•      During the 1640s in Virginia, African servants began to be treated as slaves for life 

•      Slave trade abolished in 1807

•      By the Civil War, 4 million slaves held by 5.5% of Whites in South

Civil War

•      Civil War freed African Americans from slavery

–    86,000 African Americans served

•      1865 – Gen. Sherman ordered 40 acres and a mule to freed slaves

–    Order quickly rescinded

•      No formal government apology or reparations for slavery since 

Racism Following the Civil War

•      1867 –Howard University established, KKK founded

•      1896 – Plessy v. Ferguson “separate but equal” Supreme Court ruling

1900s-1930s: Racism, culture, and separatism

•      1909 – NAACP formed

–    Response to lynching and burning in the South and anti-black riots in the North

•      Social Darwinism and eugenics movements

•      Cultural developments - Harlem Renaissance in 1920s

•      Separatist movement

–    Marcus Garvey and W.E.B. Dubois advocated a return to Africa



1940s-1970s: Civil rights

•      1948 – Pres. Truman desegregates the military

•      1949 – Jackie Robinson -- first African American major league baseball player

•      1954 – Brown vs. the Topeka Board of Education ruled separate but equal doctrine invalid

Nonviolent Protest

•      1955 - Rosa Parks sat at the front of the colored section of a bus in Montgomery, Ala and refused to move further back for a white patron when the white section became full

–    Sparked Montgomery bus boycott, led by Martin Luther King, Jr.

•      1960 -- Greensboro, NC lunch counter sit-in led to formation of SNCC 


•      1961- an integrated busload of freedom riders traveled south from Washington, DC.

–    Montgomery, Alabama -- riders were beaten and the bus burned

–    Attorney General Robert Kennedy sent 600 federal marshals to restore order

•      1963 -- March on Washington culminating in the “I have a dream” speech by Martin Luther King, Jr.


•      Civil Rights Act of 1964- equal opportunity

–    1965 – Affirmative action legislation

•      Separatism

–    Black Muslims – Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X

–    Black Power – SNCC, Stokely Carmichael

–    Black Panthers – vigilante group


•      Momentum in early 1970s

–    African American Studies departments established

–    Kwanzaa established

•      Decline in late 1970s

–    1978 Bakke decision

–    Election of Reagan  

Tuskegee Study (1932-1972)

•      Study of untreated syphilis

•      600 African American men in Alabama told that they would receive treatment for “bad blood” and $ to participate

•      Study investigated by DHEW in 1972

•      Led to the establishment of human subjects review boards


•      mid 1970s-1980: African Americans with college and graduate degrees earned more than their White counterparts

–    Reverse occurred from 1981 to 1993

•      Hate Crimes Act of 1989 stimulated by racism

•      Political correctness


•      Legislation

–    1996 Hopwood Decision

–    1996 – University of CA ends affirmative action with Prop 209

•      Psychology

–    Africentrism

–    Multicultural movement

Core African American Values

•      Interrelatedness of nature and the universe

–    Egalitarian relationships between men and women

–    African American women assertive

Core African American Values

•      Communalism

–    More person than object-centered

–    Family orientation

–    Child-centeredness

African American Collectivism (Oyserman et al., 2002)

African American Individualism (Oyserman et al., 2002)


Core African American Values

•      Spirituality

–    African religions

–    Christianity

–    Islam

Developmental and Family Issues

•      Single parenting

•      More than 25% of U.S. families are headed by a single parent

African American Single Mothers vs. Other Constellations (Zimmerman et al., 1995)

Unmarried Fathers’ Emotional Support for Children (Zimmerman et al., 1995)

Unmarried Father Involvement with Children


•       Among low income, unmarried African American mothers of 3-year-olds, half of the fathers were highly involved in raising their child (Coley & Chase-Lansdale, 1999)

African Americans’ Self-Esteem
(Gray-Little & Hafdahl, 2000)

•      261 comparisons of African Americans’ and European Americans’ self-report in meta-analysis

–    500,000 particpants

•      Greater African American self-esteem

•      May be a result of a distinctive social identity

Racial Socialization

•       1/3 of African American parents do nothing (Thornton, 1998).

•       Older African American parents may promote views of egalitarianism

•       Others emphasize cultural heritage and pride

–     African American parents prepare their children to cope with prejudice and discrimination more than other ethnic minority groups do (Hughes & Chen, 1999)

Racial Socialization, Achievement, and Problem Behaviors
(Caughy et al., 2002)

•       140 African American 3-4 year-olds in Baltimore

•       Parent involvement

–     Affection, monitoring, reasoning discipline

•       Africentric home environment

–     Toys, photos, clothing, household items

•       Achievement

–     Kauffman Assessment Battery

•       Problem behaviors

–     Child Behavior Checklist

Correlations of Racial Socialization, Achievement, and Problem Behaviors

Correlations Between Racist Events and Mental Health
(Fischer & Shaw, 1999)

Stress When Dealing With European Americans
(Thompson et al., 2000)

Affirmative Action and Academic Performance (Brown et al., 2000)

Affirmative Action and Academic Performance (Brown et al., 2000)

•      Students who were suspicious about preferential admissions had a lower GPA

•      How can the stigma of preferential admissions be removed?

Identity and Academic Achievement (Arroyo & Zigler, 1995)

•      High school students

•      Racelessness Scale

–    Blacks aren’t discriminated against

–    Blacks are responsible for their own problems

Correlations Between Racelessness and Psychological Well-Being (Arroyo & Zigler, 1995)

Can Ethnic Identity, Academic Performance, and Mental Health Coexist for African Americans?

•      Present evidence that person will not be stereotyped in the particular environment (Steele et al., 1998)

•      The approach resulted in improved academic performance for African Americans at the University of Michigan

African Americans in the Workplace

Ethnic Differences in Interview Evaluations (Huffcutt & Roth, 1998)

•      Meta-analysis of 31 studies

–    4169 Afr Am, 6307 Eur Am, 1200 Lat Am

•      3 levels of job complexity

–    Low (custodian, paper mill worker)

–    Medium (marketing specialist, process technician)

–    High (technical manager, nurse)

Why are Ethnic Minorities Rated More Positively in Interviews for High Skill Jobs?

•      High skill jobs require more extensive background

•      Fewer minorities apply for high skill jobs

–    Minorities highly sought after

% of African American Applicants and Interview Ratings
(Huffcutt & Roth, 1998)


•      Interviewers may be more careful about biases when there are fewer minority applicants

Workplace Standards of Competence (Biernat & Kobrynowicz, 1997)

•       Undergraduates evaluate resume of an African American or European American man for an executive position

–     Both candidates are college graduates, have fund-raising experience

–     Rated on decision-making,  interpersonal relationships, leadership, mentoring, motivation, communication, problem-solving, planning, willingness to seek assistance

•       Minimum standards this person would need for the job

•       Standards this person would need to demonstrate ability on the job

Workplace Standards of Competence (Biernat & Kobrynowicz, 1997)

Solo Status and Perceived Distinctiveness in Academia
(Niemann & Dovidio, 1998)

Solo Status and Job Satisfaction
(Niemann & Dovidio, 1998)

African American Women in the Workforce (Sanchez-Hucles, 1997)

•      African American  women are often perceived as having an advantage in the workforce because of their gender and minority status

•      Black women’s advantage = White men’s disadvantage?

Actual Disadvantages for African American Women

African American Mental Health

Mental Health Services in Los Angeles County: Utilization Rates (Sue et al., 1991)

Dropout After One Treatment Session (Sue et al., 1991)

Why Do African Americans Disproportionately Drop Out of Treatment?

•      Alternative sources of help

–    Family members

–    Friends

–    Religious leaders

–    Physicians

Mean Number of Treatment Sessions (Sue et al., 1991)

Treatment Outcome: Global Assessment Score

•       1-10 = Persistent danger of hurting self or others

•       41-50 = Serious symptoms (e.g., suicidal ideation) of serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning

•       51-60 = Moderate symptoms (e.g., flat affect, occasional panic attacks) or moderate impairment (e.g., few friends, conflicts with co-workers)

•       91-100 = Superior functioning, no symptoms

Global Assessment Score After Treatment (Sue et al., 1991)

Ethnic-Specific Mental Health Services in Los Angeles
(Takeuchi et al., 1995)

•      Ethnic-specific = >50% of clients from one minority group (N = 18 programs)

•      Mainstream = >50% European American clients (N = 36 programs)

•      Ethnic matching of clients and therapists

Dropout % After One Session (Takeuchi et al., 1995)

Global Assessment Score After Treatment (Takeuchi et al., 1995)

Why is Ethnic Matching Beneficial?

•      Ethnic match vs. cultural match