Cooperation in libraries between China and the United States was characterized by connecting higher education in library science with library undertaking.The first educationl institution of library science in modern times in China, the Boone Library science in Wuhan, was a crystallization of the cooperation.Though the cooperation suspended for a time, it has already resumed since 1980s and laid solid foundations for further continuation. Purpose of the cooperation should be promotion of Sino- American culture exchanges, development and use of infomation resources,and accelerate in progress and flourish of respective society.The cooperation would be based on macroscopic and long- term interests. The author of the paper suggests that the Cooperative Committee in Librariesbetween PRC & USA, and the Cooperative Foundation should be established.Pattern of the cooperation might be including two types. One is total cooperation by contracting sister- libraries, the other is project cooperation by sponsoring international seminars, training librarians,communicating scholarly, R & D in co-op and so forth. |