First China-United States Library Conference

August 21-23, 1996

National Library of China

Beijing, China

General Theme: Global Information Access: Challenges and Opportunities


Organizing Committee:

Participants: About ninety leading library and information science professionals from both China and the United States participated in the presentations and discussions. This included 45 Chinese delegates, 25 American delegates, 15 observers, and 5 interpreters.

Donors: Financial support for the conference was provided by several organizations and companies:

0pening Ceremony: Speeches provided by several individuals welcoming the delegates and outlining conference goals, Speakers were:

Conference Goals: By means of intensive discussion and mutual interaction. the conference will have a positive impact on the cooperation and development of libraries between China aud the United States as well as the whole world. The goals of the conference include:

Conference Themes: The key topics at the conference were focused around the following six theme areas which framed both the plenary presentations and the parallel sessions:

Summary of Major Points: