Seismology and Earthquakes

Stress vs Strain Relationships

When rocks (or other solid materials) are subjected to differential (directional) stress, they respond by deforming.  Tensional stress stretches materials, compressional stress squeezes them, and shear stress causes slippage and translation.  The term used to describe the deformation of materials is strain, which is defined as the change in size or shape (or both) of a solid as a result of stress.  Uniform stress causes a solid to change size uniformly in all directions, whereas differential stress results in a change in shape and perhaps in size.

When a solid is subjected to increasing stress, it passes through three stages of deformation in succession:
1. Elastic deformation is a reversible (non permanent) change in volume of shape.  When the stress is removed, the solid returns to its original shape and size.  Sir Robert Hooke (1635-1703) demonstrated that a plot of stress vs strain for material behaving in an elastic fashion is a straight line, as shown in the figure to the right.  There exists, however, a limiting stress, known as the elastic limit (point Z), beyond which a solid suffers permanent deformation and does not return to its original shape.
2. Ductile deformation is an irreversible change in size and/or shape in solids that have been stressed beyond the elastic limit.  If the stress is removed at point X', the material will partially return to its original shape -- a permanent strain, equal to XY, has been introduced into the material.
3. Fracture occurs in a solid when the limits of both elastic and ductile deformation are exceeded.  A material is said to be brittle when it deforms by fracture (breaking).  Different materials have different stress-strain relationships.  Elastic materials such as rubber are dominated by the elastic portion of the curve.  Materials such as wood have some elastic properties and virtually no region of ductile character.  Common rocks exhibit elastic and ductile behavior before ultimately breaking by brittle fracture.

The way in which any material responds to stress is significantly influenced by two factors: 1) temperature and 2) the strain rate. As illustrated in the figure to the right, if strain rates are high and temperatures are low, rocks have a significant range of elastic behavior, little or no ductile behavior, and fracture at relatively low amounts of strain.  Thus, a cold rock at the surface (as in curve A) when struck by a quick blow with a large hammer will break.  This kind of behavior is typical of shallow crustal rocks rocks.  In contrast, rocks in the asthenosphere are hot, strain rates are slow (several cm/yr), and consequently they display behavior more like curve C, dominated by ductile (plastic) deformation.  Rocks in the deep crust and mantle lithosphere behave more like curve B.


Earthquakes are the result of rocks being strained beyond their limit of ductile deformation, and consequently breaking.  Breaks in rocks are known as faults -- planar surfaces along which movement occurs.  Faults are classified on the basis of the relative sense of movement into three main categories:

A. Normal Faults.  These faults result from tensional stress and produce movement in which one block moves down relative to the other block in such a fashion as to extend the length of the two blocks together.

B. Reverse (Thrust) Faults.  These faults result from compressional stress and produce movement in which one block moves down relative to the other block in such a fashion as to compress the length of the two blocks together.

C. Strike-Slip Faults. These faults have little or no vertical displacement.  Instead, the two blocks on either side of the fault move past one another in a horizontal fashion.  Strike-slip faults are further described as being either left lateral or right lateral.

 When rocks fail by brittle fracture, energy is released at the point on the fault plane where breakage occurs.  This location, usually at some depth below the surface is known as the focus of the earthquake.  From this point, seismic waves radiate outward in all directions.  An important concept in locating earthquakes is the epicenter  -- the point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus.

Seismic are elastic disturbances that travel through the interior of the planet or along its surface.  THey fall into two families:

A. Body Waves  These waves travel outward from the focus in all directions and have the capacity to travel all the way through the earth.  There are two types of body waves:

  1. Compressional (P) Waves travel through and elastically deform materials by a change in volume, but not shape.  A P wave consists of alternating pulses of compression and expansion acting in the direction of wave travel.  Sound waves are an example of compression waves.  P waves have the greatest velocity of all seismic waves, with 6 km/sec being typical of velocity in the upper crust.  Owing to their higher velocity, P waves will be the first to arrive at, and be detected by, a seismometer.  For this reason they are often called primary waves.
  2. Shear (S) Waves travel through and elastically deform solids by a change in shape.  Shear waves consist of an alternating series of sidewise movement with each particle in the wave being displaced perpendicular to the direction of travel.  Because gases and liquids do not have any elasticity to return to their original shape after deformation, shear waves can be transmitted only by solids. A typical velocity for an S wave in the upper crust is 3.5 km/sec.  Consequently S waves arrive at a seismometer some time after the first arrival of the P waves, hence "S" also stands for "secondary" waves.
B. Surface Waves are those which travel on the surface.  They may be produced by movement of the fault which reaches the surface, or by P and S waves when they reach to surface.  Surface waves travel the slowest of all types of seismic waves.

A schematic example of a seismogram illustrating arrival times is shown below:


Determination of Earthquake Epicenters

Epicenters of earthquakes can be located by utilizing the difference in velocity between the P and the S waves (much like estimating the distance to a lightning strike by counting the time between seeing the strike (light waves) and hearing the thunder (sound waves).  By knowing the velocities of P and S waves in typical rocks, diagrams such at the one shown to the left can be used to determine the distance from the epicenter to the seismograph.  Data from three or more seismometers are needed to precisely locate the earthquake.

Earthquake Magnitudes

Earthquakes result in a release of energy stored by the rocks as strain during deformation.  Seismologists have adopted the Richter magnitude scale (named after the seismologist who developed it following the 1906 San Francisco earthquake) to estimate the energy released during an earthquake.  Determination of an earthquake's Richter magnitude is accomplished by measuring 1) the maximum amplitude of the P-wave displacement as recorded by a seismometer (X in the figure to the left), 2) the duration (in seconds) of one oscillation (T), and 3) the distance from the earthquake to the seismometer.  The formula employed is:

Richter Magnitude, M  = log X/T + Y

Y is a correction factor that depends on the distance of the seismometer from the epicenter, and accounts for the fact that the energy of the seismic waves decreases as the waves travel outward from their source.  It is important to understand that the Richter scale is a log scale, and consequently each unit increase in Richter magnitude corresponds to an order of magnitude increase in the amount of energy released.  For example, a Richter Magnitude (M) 4 earthquake releases 10 times as much energy as an M3 earthquake, and an M6 earthquake releases 1000 times the energy as an M3.
Characteristic Effects of
per Year
Shocks in Populated Areas
<3.4 800,000 Recorded only by seismographs
3.5 to 4.2
Felt by some people who are indoors
4.3 to 4.8
Felt by many people, windows rattle
4.9 to 5.4
Felt by everyone; dishes break, doors swing
5.5 to 6.1
Slight building damage; plaster cracks, bricks fall
6.2 to 6.9
Much building damage, chimneys fall, houses move on foundations
7.0 to 7.3
Serious damage, bridges twisted, walls fractured, many buildings collapse
7.4 to 7.9
Great damage; most buildings collapse
>8.0 one every Total damage; waves seen on ground surface,
5 - 10 years  objects thrown into the air

Exploring the Interior of the Earth with Seismic Waves

Natural and man-made earthquakes can be used to determine both the structure and physical properties of the interior of the planet.  The fundamental concept is that seismic waves may be reflected and/or refracted as they pass through different layers or regions of the Earth.

Seismic Reflection
This technique has been effectively used (especially by the petroleum industry) to image relatively shallow structures and rock layers such as on the floor of the oceans or in the upper layers of the continental crust.  Seismic P waves (sound waves) are generated by a pneumatic device (much like a balloon bursting).  These seismic waves penetrate water, unconsolidated sediment (e.g., mud) and relatively shallow rock layers and are reflected off the different layers back to the surface where they are recorded by sensitive listening devices knows as geophones.  The resulting images of the shallow subsurface provide information on folds, faults and other structures such as domes as shown in the reflection image below.

Seismic Refraction
As seismic waves pass through rocks of different densities and with different seismic velocities, they are refracted, or bent.   By studying seismic waves that pass through the deep interior of the planet, we can determine not only physical properties such as density, but can also "map" major boundaries such as the the between the crust and lithosphere (the MOHO).

In addition, we can utilize the different  properties of seismic waves to determine the structure and physical properties of the deep interior, including the core. The figure to the right illustrates how we know the outer core is liquid.  Since S waves cannot be transmitted by liquids, seismic waves passing through the core have their S-wave component blocked.  This results in a "shadow zone" of approximately 106o where no S waves are recorded.  Furthermore, refraction and reflection of P waves at the inner core - outer core boundary serve to locate this boundary, and confirm the the inner core is indeed solid.  See your textbook for more details on this.


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