I. Detrital or Clastic Sediments
rocks are composed of fragments of pre-existing rock that have been eroded,
transported and deposited in an accumulation that has subsequently been
converted into a hard coherent sedimentary rock. The erosion, transportation
and deposition of material by moving water is an energy-controlled process
that results in deposits of sediment that are typically well sorted in
terms of the size of fragments. As a river slows down on entering
the ocean, for example, it will first deposit large materials, followed
in turn by sand, silt and finally clay-sized particles. This process
leads to the classification of the detrital sediments based on the size
of the fragments that make up the sedimentary rock.
larger than 2 mm | boulders, cobbles and pebbles | Conglomerate (rounded)
Breccia (angular) |
0.062 to 2 mm | sand | Sandstone |
0.004 to 0.062 mm | silt | Siltstone |
less than 0.004 mm | clay | Mudstone or Shale |
process of converting unconsolidated sediment into consolidated sedimentary
rock is known as diagenesis or alternatively lithification.
This process involves compaction and squeezing as the sediments become
buried. Typical muds, for example contain approximately 50-60% water by
volume. After compaction, shales contain 10-20% water and have volumes
less than half that of the precursor mud. Diagenesis also involves
cementing of the individual grains together as water is either evaporated
or squeezed out of the primary pore spaces. An example of a typical
sandstone is shown in the microscopic image to the right. This rocks
consists of relatively rounded grains of plagioclase (pl), pyroxene (px)
and fragments of volcanic rock (v). These grains are all cemented
together by a cement consisting of calcite that was precipitated from the
solution that originally occupied the pore spaces.
Certain distinctive sequences of detrital sedimentary rocks are found throughout the geologic record, and provide much information about the geologic history of regions containing former shorelines. One of the most common sequences is that associated with marine transgression and regression. As a result of the energy relationships resulting in sediment deposition in a near-shore environment, gravels will deposited in river channels inboard of the high-tide region. These gravels will grade into sands at the shoreline, silts further outboard from the shoreline and finally muds will be deposited at some distance seaward of the shoreline. During a marine transgression, sea level rises relative to the land surface, and the shoreline moves inland. What was once a sandy beach, is now covered by silt and perhaps even mud. As shown in the figure to the right, a marine transgression therefore results in successive layers of sedimentary rocks consisting of gravels, overlain by sands, which are in turn overlain by silts and finally fine muds. A marine regression (lowering of sea level results in just the opposite cycle).
Another distinctive
plate-tectonic environment for sedimentation is found in the trenches associated
with subduction zones. These deep trenches are commonly located at
the base of the continental slope. Sediment deposited on the continental
shelf and the slope can be dislodged during earthquakes and flow down the
continental slope in large submarine mudslides. Owing to the fact
that these slides occur underwater, they are well lubricated and thus can
travel large distances. Such slides bring sediment into the trenches
that is chaotic, turbulent and unsorted. When the slide reaches the
bottom of the trench, it stops and deposits all of its sediment.
The first material to settle out of the turbulent flow consists of the
coarsest grained material, followed by gradually finer-grained material.
The figure to the left shows a schematic view of such a deposit.
The lowermost layer is especially distinctive because of its gradual increase
in grain size from top to bottom. Such sedimentary layers are called
graded beds. One typical cycle consists of a graded bed at
the bottom overlain by thin sands and finally fine muds at the top. These
sedimentary sequences are known as turbidites. Observation
of turbidites indicates proximity to a tectonically active continental
II. Chemical Sediments
Chemical sediments form from the precipitation of minerals from water
when the solution becomes saturated or supersaturated in that particular
mineral. Rivers deliver to the oceans elements dissolved within the
water. There is good geological evidence that the oceans have not
significantly changed their chemical composition for several hundreds of
million years. This means that as new material is added to sea water,
an equal amount of material is removed by precipitation. The average
length of time a particular element remains dissolved in sea water is known
as its residence time, and can be calculated from the total amount
of the element in sea water divided by the rate of input to the oceans
from rivers. The average concentrations and residence times of some
major elements in the oceans are given in the table below:
Calcium |
Magnesium |
Sodium |
Potassium |
Sulfur |
The precipitation process is controlled by chemical reactions such as
shown in the following table:
Ca2+ + CO32- = CaCO3 | calcite | limestone |
Na+ + Cl- = NaCl | halite | rock salt |
Si4+ + O2- = SiO2 | silica or quartz | chert |
These chemical reaction are controlled by physical parameters such as temperature, concentration of the dissolved species and by partial pressures of gaseous components involved in the reaction sequence. As sea water is evaporated, for example, the solution becomes increasingly concentrated and reactions such as those shown are driven from left to right, resulting in the precipitation of minerals.
Very important and interesting chemical sediments are primarily composed of iron oxides and carbonates, and are known as iron formations. The upper peninsula of Michigan has some of the largest sedimentary iron formations, and ore from these formations fueled the industrial revolution in the U.S. Other large deposits occur in Australia, Brazil, South Africa and the former U.S.S.R. Iron formations result from the precipitation of minerals such as FeCO3 from sea water. The interesting fact is the sea water currently contains very little dissolved iron (only 0.003 ppm). The large iron formations are all PreCambrian in age, and in fact all appear to have formed around 3 Ga. In contrast to the present situation, the early atmosphere (prior to roughly 3 Ga) contained insufficient oxygen to oxidize iron. In its reduced state (Fe2+), iron was soluble in the oceans and apparently accumulated in considerable amount. Once the atmosphere became sufficiently oxidizing, nearly all of the iron that was dissolved in sea water was precipitated to form the large iron formations. None have formed since that point in the Earth's history.
III. Biological Sediments
Purely biological sedimentary rocks are relatively rare but economically
important. The most important of these is coal -- the sedimentary
rock that forms from the diagenesis of peat and other organic matter.
There is, of course, not a clear boundary between the biological and
chemical sediments. Many of the processes that produce limestone,
for example, are actually biochemical in nature. Many limestones
are composed almost entirely from shells of marine critters that make their
shells out of calcite. Coral reefs are another good example of the
interplay between chemical and biological processes.