Grant Funding History of G. Bothun
- NASA IUE Guest Investigator Program, The Slope of the IMF more
Massive Stars in the LMC PI, $15,000 awarded, 1982
- NASA IRAS Guest Investigator Program, Star Formation in Interacting
Emission Line Galaxies Co-I, $25,000 awarded, 1986
- NSF US-Chinese Cooperative Science Program, Low Surface Brightness
Galaxies and Quasar Absorption Lines Co-PI, $47,000 awarded, 1986
- NASA SADAP Program (IRAS), Emission Line Galaxies in the
Bootes Void PI, $ 28,000 awarded, 1987
- NASA SADAP Program (IRAS), Merging Galaxies and Enhanced
Far Infrared Emission PI, $ 22,000 awarded, 1987
- Rackham Faculty Grant, University of Michigan A Re-imaging
Camera for a small Telescope PI, $ 10,000 awarded, 1988
- NASA ADP Program (IRAS), Flux Density Ratio Mapping of Large
Angular Size Galaxies PI, $ 32,000 aswarded, 1989
- NASA ADP Program (HEAO-2) Surface Photometry of X-Ray Images of Clusters
Of Galaxies $ 32,000 awarded 1989
- NSF Extragalactic Division The Properties of Low Surface
Brightness Galaxies $ 90,000 awarded 1990-1993
- NASA ROSAT Mission Soft X-ray Halos around Low Mass Disk Galaxies
$ 20,000 awarded 1992-1993
- NSF ILI Program A CCD-Based Undergraduate Astronomy Laboratory
$ 26,000 awarded 1993-1995
- NASA Astro-2 Guest Investigator Program The Near UV Properties of
Galaxies with Low Optical Surface Brightness $117,000 awarded March 1, 1994 --Dec 31, 1997
- Oregon Community Foundation Public Education Program at Pine Mountain
Observatory $ 12,000 awarded 1994
- NASA ADP Program Low Surface Brightness Galaxies in the UIT Data Base $28,000 awarded July 1, 1994 --
June 30, 1995
- NASA NERO Progran Establishing IP Connectivity to the
Pine Mountain Observatory $30,000 awarded June 1,1995 -- Sept 30, 1996
- OSSHE Productivity Proposal Towards a Statewide
Astronomy Curriculum $15,000 awarded July 1, 1994 --
June 30, 1995
- OSSHE 2010 Vision Proposal The Development of Networked
Interactive Experiments in Physics $42,000 awarded January 1, 1995
- NASA Hubble Space Telesceope Program The Stellar Populations
of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
$14,500 Awarded March 1, 1996
- Sun MicroSystems Academic Equipment Grant Network Delivery of
Science Curriculum
$89,500 awarded Feb 1, 1996 (equipment only)
- NSF Academic Research Infrastructure proposal A High
Speed Geophysical and Astrophysical Visualization Laboratory $440K
awarded (CO-I status) Sept 1, 1996
- Next Generation 3D Visualizations in Astrophysics and the Geological
Sciences, M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, Exceptional Opportunity
Grant, 1997, $50,000.
- NSF Recognition Award for the Integration of Research Into
Teaching $500,000 awarded Feb 1, 1997
- NSF The Properties of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
$152,000 awarded June 1, 1997
- NASA Science by Doing: The Role of Digital Technology in
Inspiring Curiosity and Discovery
$39,900 awarded Feb 1, 1998
- NSF An Integrated Circuit Fabrication and Characterization Laboratory
Award #: DUE-9850676 $65,000 awarded June 1, 1998
- Northwest Area Computing Consortium: Science by Doing: The Role of Digital Technology in
Inspiring Curiosity and Discovery - $3,000 awarded August 1,1998
- NSF The Creation of Network Interactive Tools for
Teaching Physics and Astronomy
$234,000 awarded Oct 1, 1998
- NASA AXAF Mission HCG 90: The Formation of the X-ray Medium?
$34,000 awarded December 1, 1998
- NSF Connecting the University of Oregon to the vBNS
Award #: ANI-9729628 $350,000 awarded Oct 1, 1998
- NASA Hubble Space Telescope The Distance to NGC 2841: Improving the TF Calibration and
Definitively Testing Mond $50,078 awarded Oct 1, 1999
- Hewlett Foundation Pathways: An Innovative
Approach to Science Education and Teacher Preparation $150,000 awarded April 1,2000
- Murdoch Foundation: Partners in Science Program. Two awards made
to work with two high school science teachers. $28,000 Awarded Sept,