Knight Library Entrance Gate
Millrace Plans
Downtown Riverfront
Emerald Waterway System
Glenwood Riverfront
Eugene Weekly Articles
Patterson Extension & Riverfront Plan

Monet and Me
Designer PIE
Ways of ThinkingAbout Design
Theory Book : Designing in an Environmental Field
What's the Book About?
Embodied Design Thinking
E-mail to Jerry
Design theory: Rendering Design Thinking from the Pattern Language - & other essays

Central Arizona College
Olive Street House
Knight Library
Knight Library Apr. '06
Ferry St. Corridor
Bandon - Old Woolen Mill
Glenwood Options
Halsey Downtown Plan
OYA Albany
New City Hall & Mkt. Sq.
Resumé & Pro Projects
Other Projects
Forms and Materials Do Mean and Move Us
Park Blocks in 1912
Branding Eugene
Comp Prep '08-'09
City Hall Redux
Park Central
Riverfront Principles
Great Street Charts
Skinner Mkt. Square

City-County Conversation
A Learning Model
An Essay on Meaning in Design Thinking
De-colonizing Design Thinking
City Hall - Park Blocks
The Third City Hall



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