




C       O       N       N       E       C       T       I       O       N       S

the california polytechnic university-slo
the university of oregon
the university of utah

THEME + LOGISTICS + READINGS + TEAMS + Students: calpoly | oregon | utah | all | + FTP + CHAT


To become comfortable with communicating design ideas asynchronously over the Internet

To develop a partnership and think critically about what factors help or hinder the relationship.

In the surrealistic technique called Exquisite Corpse, "one artist began an image or poem, folds the paper to conceal what had been done and passed it along. Another would add content, not knowing what was already drawn or written...The game owes its name from the first sentence produced by this method: 'Le cadavre exquix boira le vin nouveau.' (The exquisite corpse will drink the new wine)."

- from Peggy Reinecke and Rebecca Hermann's Exquisite Fun: A Digital Sketchbook, presented at SIGGRAPH'98

Your challenge is to work with a partner in using your Webpage as a collaborative sketchbook. Use your exchange to brainstorm for ideas on defining a sense of place (assignment 2) or narrowing in on a research topic (assignment 3).

Start by creating a simple image and mail it to your partner or post it on your Web page. Your partner needs to respond within 48 hours with an image and text (which can be integrated into the image). You can use scanned sketches, digital photos, downloaded images or computer graphics to create images. Keep images under 640 x 480 pixels and reduce color depth or save as JPG files to keep files small.

Post (upload) at least 4 images in a sequence with a few paragraphs which analyzes the process.

Each person needs to have a personal home page with a link to a 407 home page which will contain places for your assignments. Links may go to partners' pages.

1. Digital dialogue

2. Web Place

3. Place response - Remote partnership

4. Research Report on collaboration

While Web beginners will start with learning the mechanics of authoring, more experienced students can start brainstorming on the problem.

Draft due: Tues Jan 12, Final Graphics due: Tues Jan 19

THEME + LOGISTICS + READINGS + TEAMS + Students: calpoly | oregon | utah | all | + FTP + CHAT

edited 1/5/98 by nywc