Cheris Kramarae - Curriculum Vitae


Center for the Study of Women in Society
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403

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CURRICULUM VITAE March 2010 (Selected items)

Ph.D. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 1975 Speech Communication [Sociolinguistics]


Visiting Professor, Center for the Study of Women in Society, University of Oregon 1996-

Professor, Women's Studies; Sociology; Linguistics; Speech Communication, Center for Writing Studies; Division of English as an International Language, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1985 -1996

Jubilee Professor, Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Illinois (scholarship & teaching chair) 1993-1996

Director, Women's Studies, University of Illinois Fall, 1993-1996

Co-Founder and Co-Organizer, Women, Information Technology, & Scholarship (WITS), Center for Advanced Study, University of Illinois, 1991-1996

Acting Director, Center for the Study of Women in Society, University of Oregon 1988-90

Associate Professor, Speech Communication, U of I 1978-85

Visiting Appointments:

Associate, Centre for Research into Diversity in the Professions, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK [non-residential associate], 2008 - current.

AAUW Educational Foundation Research Scholar-in-Residence, Washington, D.C., 1999-2000. Distance Learning and Women research project

International Dean (for project area "Information /Technology"), International Women's University, University of Hamburg, 1999-2000.

Project Director (for "The Reconstruction of Gender on the Internet;" and "The Future of Higher Education"), International Women's University, Hamburg, Germany, July - October 2000.

Visiting Professor, University of Colorado at Denver, International College at Beijing, Spring 1999

Courtesy Professor, Journalism and Communication, University of Oregon, 1998-

Visiting Professor, History & Women's Studies, University of Natal--Durban, South Africa, Fall 1992

Research Associate, Center for Advanced Study, U of Illinois. 1990-91 [coordinating faculty meetings on Gender, Race, Technology and Scholarship]

Visiting Professor of Sociology, University of Oregon, 1988-90

Visiting Scholar, Center for the Study of Women in Society, University of Oregon, 1988

Exchange Professor, University Affiliation Program with M.S. University of Baroda, India, July/August 1987 [Rural women/ Communication]

Visiting Professor, Women's Studies Program, Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Fall 1986

Visiting Professor, Department of Linguistics, [Sociolinguistics] Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, West Germany, Summer term 1984

Research Associate, Department of Applied Linguistics, Birkbeck College (University of London), Fall 1983



Handbook for Achieving Gender Equality Through Education. New York: Taylor & Francis Group, 2007. [Susan Klein, general editor; Barbara Richardson, Delores Grayson, Lynn H. Fox, Cheris Kramarae, Diane S. Pollard and Carol Anne Dwyer, section editors].

Feminist Challenges in the Information Age (ed.). Germany: Leske+Budrich, 2002. [co-editor with Christiane Floyd, Govind Kelkar, Silvie Klein-Granke, and Cirilla Limpangog].

Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women: Women's Global Issues and Knowledge, (ed.), 4 volumes. New York: Routledge, 2000. [co-editor with Dale Spender; 800 contributors]. Also translated into Spanish and Mandarin.

Women, Information Technology, and Scholarship (ed.). University of Illinois, Center for Advanced Study [University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 6180l], 1993. [co-editor with H. Jeanie Taylor and Maureen Ebben].

The Knowledge Explosion: Generations of Feminist Scholarship (ed.). New York: Teachers College Press, 1992 [with Dale Spender]. [On Choice's "Outstanding Academic Books 1994" list].

The Revolution in Words: Righting Women 1868-1871. [excerpts from 19th century feminist newspaper [The Revolution 1868-1871], annotations and analysis], 1990. London: Routledge. [with Lana Rakow].

Radical Press of the 1850s [excerpts from six 1850s feminist newspapers, annotations and analysis] London: Routledge, 1990. [with Ann Russo].

Technology and Women's Voices (ed.). London and New York: Routledge, 1988.

A Feminist Dictionary. London and New York: Pandora Press/Unwin & Hyman/Harper Collins, 1986. [with Paula Treichler and with the assistance of Ann Russo]. New edition Amazons, Bluestockings and Crones. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 1992.

For Alma Mater: Feminist Scholarship in Theory and Practice (ed.) Urbana, Ill: University of Illinois Press, 1985. [co-editor with Paula Treichler and Beth Stafford].

Language and Power (ed.). Beverly Hills, Calif; Sage, 1984 [co-editor with Muriel Schulz and William O'Barr].

Language, Gender and Society (ed.). Rowley, Mass: Newbury House Publishers, 1983. [co-editor with Barrie Thorne and Nancy Henley].

Women and Men Speaking: Frameworks for Analysis. Rowley, Mass: Newbury House, 1981.

The Voices and Words of Women and Men (ed.). Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1980.


The Third Shift: Women Learning Online. Washington, D.C.: American Association of University Women. Washington, D.C.: 2001.

Chapters in Books (Selected)

“Web Science and Gender: The Languages of Technoscience Connections.” in Jutta Weber (ed.). Interdisziplinierung? Zum Wissenstransfer zwischen den Geistes-, Sozial- und Technowissenschaften. Bielefeld: transcript 2010.

“Afterwood: Cyberfeminist Practice: An Afterword Leading to the Future.” in Kristine Blair, Radhika Gajjala, Christine Tulley, eds. Webbing Cyberfeminist Practice: Communities, Pedagogies, and Social Action. Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press, 385-392, 2009.

"Making Ourselves a(t) Home: The Creatively Welcoming Space of OSCLG." In Erika Kirby and Chad McBride, eds. Gender Actualized: Cases in Communicatively Constructing Realities. Kendall Hunt Publishing, 2009. [co-author with Cynthia Berryman-Fink, Bobby Patton, Anita Taylor and Virginia Wheeless].

"Gender and Power in Discourse." in Teun van Dijk, ed. Discourse Studies. London: Sage, in press. [co-author with Michele Lazar].

“Gender Matters in Online Learning,” in Michael G. Moore and William G. Anderson, eds. Handbook of Distance Education. 2nd edition. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 169-180, 2007.

"Overview: Gender Equity Strategies in the Content Areas," in Susan Klein, general ed. Handbook for Achieving Gender Equity Through Education. New York: Taylor & Francis Group, 231-134, 2007. The chapter appears with permission of the publisher. Click here to access.

 “Gender Equity in the Use of Educational Technologies.” in Susan Klein, general ed. Handbook for Achieving Gender Equity Through Education. New York: Taylor & Francis Group, 191-214, 2007. [Gypsy Abbott and Lisa Bievenue lead authors, with Suzanne Damarin, and Cheris Kramarae].

“Gender Equity in Communication Skills: Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing.” in Susan Klein, general ed. Handbook for Achieving Gender Equity Through Education. New York: Taylor & Francis Group, 281-303, 2007. [Anita Taylor lead author, with Alison Bailey, Pamela Cooper, Carol Dwyer, Cheris Kramarae, and Barbara Lieb]. The chapter appears with permission of the publisher. Click here to access.

"Redesigning Distance Education to Deal with Equity Problems." in Michael Moore, with Von Pittman, Terry Anderson, and Cheris Kramarae. From Chautauqua to the Virtual University: A Century of Distance Education. Information Series no. 393. Columbus: Center on Education and Training for Employment, Ohio State University, 2003. ERIC #ED482357. Go to: and use search for ERIC numbers and enter "ED482357".

"Gender Equity Online, When There is No Door to Knock On." in Michael G. Moore and Bill Anderson, eds. Handbook of Distance Education. Mahwah, J.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 261-272, 2002.

"At Home in Higher Education: Making Online Education Work for Global Women." in Christiane Floyd, Govind Kelkar, Silvie Klein-Grank, Cheris Kramarae, and Cirila Limpangog, eds. Feminist Challenges in the Information Age. Germany: Verlag Leske+Burrich, 241-251, 2002. [co-author with Zhang Wei].

"The Experience of Living ifu" (International Women's University). in Christiane Floyd, Govind Kelkar, Silvie Klein-Franke, Cheris Kramarae, and Cirila Limpangog, eds. Feminist Challenges in the Information Age. Germany: Verlag Leske+Burrich, 41-51, 2002 [co-author with Govind Kelkar and Cirila P. Limpangog].

"Creating Cybertrust: Illustrations and Guidelines." in Vernon Burton, ed. Renaissance in the Humanities and Computing. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 141-159. 2002. [co-author with H. Jeanie Taylor].

Renaissance in the Humanities and Computing. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 141-159. 2002. [co-author with H. Jeanie Taylor.]

Introduction in Cheris Kramarae and Dale Spender, eds. Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women: Global Women’s Issues and Knowledge. New York: Routledge, lv-lviii, 2000. [co-author with Dale Spender].

"Women's Political Webs: Global Electronic Networks." in Annabelle Sreberny-Mohammadi and Liesbet van Zoonen, eds. Women's Politics and Communication. Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press, 205-222, 2000. [co-author with Jana Kramer].

"Feminist Fictions of Future Technology," in Steve Jones, ed. CyberSociety, 2nd edition. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage, 100-128, 1998.

"Electronic Gender: Attitudes and Practices on the Internet, or, Year 2007: Looking Ahead to Look Back at Women and the Internet," in Friederike Braun and Ursula Pasero, eds. Kommunikation von Geschlecht/ Communication of Gender, Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus-Verlagsgesellschaft, 200-221, 1997.

"Gender in Discourse." In Teun A. van Dijk, (ed.). Discourse as Social Interaction: Discourse Studies: A Multidisciplinary Introduction, Vol. 2. London/ Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage, 119-143, 1997. [co-author with Candace West, Michelle M. Lazar].

"Gendered Ethics of Electronic Communication," in Ron Arnett and Josina Makau, (eds.). Communication Ethics and Diversity. Urbana, Ill: University of Illinois Press. [co-author with Jana Kramer], 226-243, 1997.

"Classified Information: Race, Class, and (Always) Gender" In Julia Wood, (ed.). Gendered Relationships. Mountain View, Calif: Mayfield Press, 1996.

"Strengths/successes and snags/nags." In Natasha Warner et al., (eds.). Gender and Belief Systems: Proceedings of the Fourth Berkeley Women and Language Conference. Berkeley, Calif.: Berkeley Women and Language Group, University of California, 779-787, 1996.

"Chronic Power Problems." In Julia T. Wood and Richard B. Gregg, (eds.). Toward the 21st Century: The Future of Speech Communication. Cresskill, New Jersey: Hampton Press, 209-217, 1995.

"Backstage Critique of Virtual Reality." In Steve Jones, ed. CyberSociety: Computer-Mediated Communication and Community. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage, 36-56, 1995.

"Women's Language." In Cathy N. Davidson and Linda Wagner-Martin, (eds.). The Oxford Companion to Women's Writing in the United States. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.

"Shere Hite as Sociological Theorist." Appendix chapter in Shere Hite, Women as Revolutionary Agents of Change. Madison, Wisc.: University of Wisconsin Press, 1994.

"Women and Information Technologies: Creating a Cyberspace of Our Own." In Women, Information Technology and Scholarship, University of Illinois, Center for Advanced Study, May 1993, 15-27. [co-author with Maureen Ebben]

"Women and Men on Electronic Networks: A Conversation or a Monologue?" In Women, Information Technology and Scholarship, University of Illinois, Center for Advanced Study, 1993, 52-60. [co-author with Jeanie Taylor]

[reprinted in Ewa Gunnarsson and Lena Trojer, (eds.). Feminist Voices on Gender, Technology and Ethics. Lulea University of Technology: Centre for Women's Studies, 163-176, 1994.]

"Response to Perry: "Sex Stereotypes, Social Rules and Education: Changing Teaching and Teaching Change." In Phyllis Kahaney, Joseph Janangelo, and Linda Perry, (eds.) Theoretical and Critical Perspectives on Teacher Change. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing, 1993, 40-41.

"Everyday Oppressions." In Lana Rakow (ed.). Women Making Meaning: The New Feminist Directions in Communication. New York: HarperCollins, 1992.

"Exploding Patriarchy." In Cheris Kramarae and Dale Spender (eds.). Knowlege Explosion: Generations of Feminist Scholarship. New York: Teachers College Press, 1-24, 1992. [co-author with Dale Spender]

"The Condition of Patriarchy." In Cheris Kramarae and Dale Spender (eds.). Knowledge Explosion: Generations of Feminist Scholarship. New York: Teachers College Press, 1992, 397-405.

"Gender and Dominance." In Stan Deetz, (ed.). Communication Yearbook 15, 470-475, 1992.

"Changing the Complexion of Gender in Language Research." In Howard Giles and W. Peter Robinson, (eds.). Handbook of the Social Psychology of Language. New York: Wiley & Sons.

"Gender, Power and Miscommunication." in Nikolas Coupland, Howard Giles and John Wiemann (eds.). "Miscommunication" and Problematic Talk, Newbury Park, Calif.: SAGE, 18-43, 1991. [with Nancy Henley].

"Power Relationships in the Classroom." In Susan Gabriel and Isaiah Smithson (eds.) Gender Studies: Writing, Reading, and Teaching. Urbana, Ill: University of Illinois Press. [with Paula Treichler], 41-59, 1990.

"Redefining Gender, Race and Class." In Cynthia M. Lont and Sheryl Friedley (eds.). Beyond Boundaries: Sex and Gender Diversity in Communication. George Mason University Press, 1989, 317-330.

"Do We Really Want More Control of Technology?" In Yasuko U. Maramatsu, (ed.). Proceedings of '88 Tokyo Symposium on Women. 1989.

"Feminist Theories of Communication." In Erik Barnouw (ed.). International Encyclopedia of Communication. Oxford University Press/University of Pennsylvania, 1989.

"Gotta Go Myrtle, Technology's at the Door." In Cheris Kramarae, (ed.). Technology and Women's Voices. London: Routledge, 1-14, 1988.

"Talk of Sewing Machines and Sweat Shops." In Cheris Kramarae, (ed.). Technology and Women's Voices. London: Routledge, 147-160, 1988.

"Censorship of Women's Voices on Radio." In Sue Fisher and Alexandra Todd, (eds.). Gender and Discourse: The Politics of Talk. Norwood NJ: Ablex, 243-254, 1988.

"Women Take Back the Talk." In Joyce Penfield (ed.). Women and Language in Transition. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 137-156, 1987. [co-author with Mercilee Jenkins].

"Speech Crimes Which the Law Does Not Reach." In Susan Bremner, Noelle Caskey and Moonwomon (eds.). Proceedings of the First Berkeley Women and Language Conference. Berkeley: University of California, 84-95, 1986.

"Words on a Feminist Dictionary." In Cheris Kramarae and Paula Treichler (with assistance of Ann Russo). A Feminist Dictionary. London and New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1-22, 1986. [co-author with Paula Treichler]. [Reprinted in Deborah Cameron (ed.). 1990]

"Women Changing Words Changing Women." In Marlis Hellinger (ed.). Spachwandel und Feministische Sprachpolitik: Internationale Perspectiven. Wiesbaden: Westdautsche, 10-22, 1985. [co-author with Mercilee Jenkins].

"Imagining a Different World of Talk." In Elaine Baruch and Ruby Rohrlich (eds.). In Search of Utopias: What Do Women Want. New York: Schocken Books, 1984. [co-author with Barrie Thorne and Nancy Henley].

"Resistance to Women's Public Speaking." In Senta Tromel-Plotz (ed.). Gewalt durch Sprache Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 203-228, 1984. [An analysis of B.B.C. policies concerning the voices and gender of radio and TV announcers, from 1925-1970. Translated into German].

"Problems and Problems: Dimensions of Power in a Medical Encounter." In Cheris Kramarae, Muriel Schulz and William O'Barr (eds.). Language and Power. Beverly Hills, Calif: Sage Publishers, 62-88, 1984. [co-author with Paula Treichler, Richard Frankel, Kathleen Zoppi and Howard Beckman].

"Toward an Understanding of Language and Power." In Cheris Kramarae, Muriel Schulz and William O'Barr (eds.) Language and Power. Beverly Hills, Calif: Sage Publishers, 9-22, 1984. [co-author with Muriel Schulz and William O`Barr].

"Language, Gender and Society: Opening a Second Decade of Research." In Barrie Thorne, Cheris Kramarae, and Nancy Henley (eds.). Language, Gender and Society. Rowley, Mass: Newbury House, 7-24, 1983. [co-author with Barrie Thorne and Nancy Henley].

"Sex Similarities and Differences in Language, Speech, and Nonverbal Communication: An Annotated Bibliography." Compiled by Cheris Kramarae, Barrie Thorne, and Nancy Henley. In Barrie Thorne, Cheris Kramarae, and Nancy Henley (eds.) Language, Gender and Society. Rowley, Mass: Newbury House, 151-331, 1983.

"Liberating Language: Women's Speech at a Feminist Conference." In Larry E. Larmer and Mary Kenny Badami (eds.). Proceedings of the 2nd and 3rd Conference on Communication, Language, and Gender. Madison: University of Wisconsin, 1982, 79-93. [co-author with Mercilee Jenkins].

"Gender: How She Speaks." In Ellen Bouchard Ryan and Howard Giles (eds.) Attitudes Toward Language Variation: Social and Applied Contexts. London: Edward Arnold Publishers, 84-98, 1982.

"A Thief in the House: Women and Language." In Dale Spender (ed.) Men's Studies Modified: The Impact of Feminism on the Academic Disciplines. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 11-22, 1981. [co-author with Mercilee Jenkins].

"Introduction." In Cinthia Berryman and Virginia Eman (eds.). Communication, Language and Sex. Rowley, Mass: Newbury House, 1-7, 1980.

"Perceptions and Politics in Language and Sex Research." In Philip Smith, Howard Giles, and Peter Robinson (eds.). Language: Social Psychological Perspectives. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 83-88, 1980.

"Proprietors of Language." In Sally McConnell-Ginet, Ruth Borker, and Nelly Furman (eds.). Women and Language in Literature and Society. New York: Praeger Publishers, 58-68, 1980.

"The Problem of Orientation in Sex/Language Research." In B.L. Dubois and I. Crouch (eds.). Sociology of the Languages of American Women. San Antonio, Texas: Trinity University, 17-27, 1976.

Articles (Selected)

“Looking deeply into our past and future: Can Quan Yin help us?” Women and Language. Spring, 2010.

"Feminist invitational collaboration in a digital age: Looking over disciplinary and national borders." Women and Language, Fall 2008. [co-author with Zhang Wei]. [Deals with feminist uses of Web 2.0 technologies] With permission of the journal editor, this article is also published as a wiki at,_Communication,_and_Technology

“Muted Group Theory and Communication: Asking Dangerous Questions.” Women & Language, 18:2 (Fall 2005), 55-60.

"The Language and Nature of the Internet: The Meaning of Global," New Media & Society 1:1 (April, 1999), 48-55.

"Technology Policy, Gender, and Cyberspace," Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy, 4:1 (Spring 1997), 149-158.

"Centers of Change: An Introduction to Women's Own Communication Programs." Communication Education, 45 (October 1996), 325-321.

"Cross-Talk on Campus: Collegiality and Hostility," NACADA Journal (Academic Advising Association).

"Legal Snarls for Women in Cyberspace." Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy. 5:2, 14-24. [Expanded and revised version of "Net Gains..." in Women's Review of Books] [co-author with Jana Kramer.]

"Talk, Sex, and Self-Help: Hite and Men's Power Anxiety." Women's Studies in Communication 18:2 (Fall 1995), 229-244.

"Net Gains, Net Loses." Women's Review of Books, 12:5 (February 1995), 33-35. [co-author with Jana Kramer]

"Punctuating the Dictionary." International Journal of the Sociology of Language 94 (1992), 135-154.

"Stranger Compliments: The Interpretation of Street Remarks." Women's Studies in Communication 14:1 (Spring 1991), 75-91. [co-author with Elizabeth Kissling]

"Women Speaking From Silence: Methods of Silencing and of Resistance." Discourse & Society 2:4 (October 1991), 387-399. [co-author with Marsha Houston]

"`I Have Been A Disappointed Woman': Lucy Stone and Others on Education and Language Study." Center Review: Annual Magazine of the Center for the Study of Women in Society, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (Spring 1988), 13-16.

"Present Problems with the Language of the Future." Women's Studies 14 (1987), 183-186.

"A Feminist Critique of Sociolinguistics." Journal of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association 8 (May 1986), 1-22.

"Women's Talk in the Ivory Tower." Communication Quarterly 31 (1983), 118-132. [co-authored with Paula Treichler].

"Suggested Questions for Language and Gender Research." Osnabrucker Beitrage zur Sprach Theorie, October 1979.

"Women's and Men's Ratings of Their Own and Ideal Speech." Communication Quarterly 26 (Spring 1978), 2-11.

"Perspectives on Language and Communication." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 3 (Spring 1978), 638-651. [co-author with Barrie Thorne and Nancy Henley].

"Small Group Process: Learning from Women." Women's Studies International Quarterly 26 (Spring 1978), 67-84. [co-author with Mercilee Jenkins].

"Review of U.S.A. Language and Sex Research." Osnabrucker Beitrage zur Sprach Theorie 8 (November 1978), 93-101.

"Perceptions of Female and Male Speech." Language and Speech 20 (April-June 1977), 151-161.

"Participants' Perception of Self and Partner in Mixed-Sex Dyads." Central States Speech Journal 26 (Spring 1975), 52-56. [co-author with Fred Hilpert and Ruth Anne Clark].

"Sex-Linked Variations in Address Systems." Anthropological Linguistics 17 (May 1975), 198-210.

"Women's Speech: Separate but Unequal?" Quarterly Journal of Speech 60 (February 1974), 14-24. [reprinted in B. Thorne and N. Henley (eds.). Language and Sex: Difference and Dominance. Rowley, Mass: Newburg House, 1975.]

"Folklinguistics." Psychology Today 8, i (June 1974), 82-85. [reprinted in Jean M. Civikley (ed.), Messages: A Reader in Human Communication. 2nd edition. New York: Random House, 1977.] [reprinted in Gary Goshgarian (ed.). Exploring Language. Boston: Little, Brown and Co. 1977, and 1985, 4th ed.] [reprinted in Sanford Weinberg (ed.), Messages: A Reader in Human Communication. 3rd edition. New York: Random House, 1980.] [reprinted in Michael J. Hogan (ed.), Words and the Writer: A Language Reader. Glenview, Ill: Scott, Foresman and Co., 1983.] [reprinted in Melita Schaum and Connie Flanagan (eds.). Gender Images: Readings for Composition. Cambridge, Mass: Houghton Mifflin, 1992]

"Stereotypes of Women's Speech: The Word from Cartoons." Journal of Popular Culture 8 (Winter 1974), 622-638. [reprinted in R. Brake (ed.), Communication in Popular Culture. Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green Popular Press, 1975.] [reprinted in Carol J. Boltz and Dorothy Seyler (eds.), Language Power. New York: Random House, 1982.]


"Muted group." in Stephen Littlejohn and Karen Foss, eds. Encyclopedia of Communication Theory. Sage, 2010.

"Gender." in Anna DiStefano, Kjell Rudestam, Robert Silverman, Susan Taira, eds. Encyclopedia of Distributed Learning, Sage Publishing, 2003.

Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women: Women's Global Issues and Knowledge , (ed.), 4 volumes. New York: Routledge, 2000. [co-editor with Dale Spender; 800 contributors].


"Gender across Languages: The Linguistic Representation of Women and Men," 3 vol., by Marlis Hellinger, and Hadmumod Bussmann, Journal of Pragmatics, 36:4 (2004), 803-806.

"Women, Work and Computing" by Ruth Woodfield; and "Unlocking the Clubhouse," by Jane Margolis and Allan Fisher, NWSA Journal, 15:2, 207-210.

CONSULTING (selected)

ACT exams, Fairness Review Panel (of ACT test materials). American College Testing. 1995, 1998, 2002

Consultant (1994-95) for The Chilly Classroom Climate: Guide to Improve the Education of Women by Bernice Sandler and Roberta Hall, National Association for Women in Education, 1996.

International Dean, Information/Techology Project, International Women's University 2000, Hannover, Germany.


Special Undergraduate Instructional Award (for Black/white English project) UIUC 1971

Listed on the campus "Incomplete List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent" UIUC 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996

Nominated by department for School of Humanities Teaching Excellence Award 1985

Lambda Pi Eta Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award 1996

Jubilee Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences for distinction as teacher and scholar. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1992-1996

Francine Merritt Award for contributions to the lives of women in the communication discipline 1992.

Awarded membership in the Wise Women’s Council of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender 2005.


program committee: "Digital Cultures: Participation - Empowerment - Diversity." 5th Symposium on Gender and Information and Communication Technology, Bremen University, Germany, 5-8 March 2009, Susan Maass and Heidi Schelhouwe, organizers.

program committee: International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining. Athens, Greece, 20-22 July 2009.

TALKS, U.S. (selected)

“A Feminist Vocabulary for Now: Words from Alice Walker, bell hooks and other feminist Buddhists.” Paper prepared for the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language and Gender conference, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, 14-17 October, 2010 [co-author with Karla D. Scott].

“Women, Big Ideas, and Social Networking: Seven Provocative Questions.” Paper presented at Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender conference. Los Angeles, October 2009 [co-author with Zhang Wei].

"Why Is Interdisciplinary Work Important to the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender?" Panel. Organization for the Study of Communication, Language and Gender conference. Nashville, Tenn., 16-19 October 2008.

"Alternative Language of Aging." Organization for the Study of Communication, Language and Gender conference, Creighton University, 12, October 2007.

"Minding Our Bodies: Language for the Connections of Body and Mind." St. Louis University, 14 October 2006.

“Women in Communication Theory.” Evergreen State College. 29 April 2006

“Muted Group Theory and Communication: Asking Dangerous Questions.” George Mason University, 30 March 2005.

"Violence, Language, and Law -- What Can a Victim/Survivor Say?" Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender, Cincinnati, 10 October 2003.

"The Language of Ecofeminism." Organization for the Study of Communication, Language and Gender, Minneapolis, 3 October 2002.

"The Problems of English as Global/Internet Language." St. Cloud State University, 3, April 2002.

"Computers and Online Education: What's Sex Got to Do With It?" St. Cloud State University, 3 April 2002.

"New Models of Cyber Education: Fantasies and Facts." NorthWest Communication Association, Coeur d'Alene, 6 April 2001.

"Distance Learning: Digital Divide or Bridge." Charter Oak State University, New Britain, Conn. 13 October 2000.

"What's Online for Women? Our Future in Higher Education." National Teleconference for Women in Higher Education, University of Minnesota, 27-29 March 2000.

"What's Happening in Higher Education and Distance Learning?" International Conference on Women in Higher Education, National Association for Women in Education, New Orleans, 8-10 January 2000.

"Online, Overseas." International Fellowships Working Group, Washington, D.C., 9 February 2000.

"Cultural Diversity in a Global Language," Communicating Across Cultures: The Ethics of Representation conference, Western Washington University, 21-25 June 1998. (language of the "global" Internet)

"Chilly Climate for Women," UIUC "Faculty Retreat on Individual Differences: Teaching for Active Learning." University of Illinois, 19 January 1996.

"Women and Men on the Internet," Agriculture Communication staff, University of Illinois, 9 February 1996.

"Information Technology in the Classroom," Gender and the Higher Education Classroom: Maximizing the Learning Environment Conference, sponsored by the Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy. Duke University, 17 February 1996.

"Women's Studies in the New Millennium," Conference keynote. Northwestern University, 6 March 1996.

"Climate Problems on Campus," Gender and Communication Conference, Ohio State University and Denison University. Columbus, Ohio, 12-13 April, 1996.

"Twenty Years of Language and Sex Research," Berkeley Women and Language Conference. Berkeley, Calif, 18-20 April 1996.

"Sounds Bewitched: Language, Gender and Ecofeminism," University of Northern Iowa, 5 April 1995.

"Women and Cyberspace," University of Northern Iowa, 6 April 1995.

"Language in South African Social Movements," University of Northern Iowa, 6 April 1995.

"Terminal Interpersonal Communication?" Conference on Research in Gender and Communication. University of New Mexico, 7-9 April 1995.

"Gender Technological Transformation," Women in Technology. New York Institute of Technology/NYNEX. New York, 14 June 1995.

"Gendered Ethics on the Internet," 18th Annual Conference of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender. Minneapolis, 5-8 October 1995.

Presenter, WS CIC Director's Meeting in Chicago, 12-13 October 1995.

"Telling Tales about Women and Communication," Spotlight on Scholarship program, Speech Communication Association, San Antonio, 21 November 1995.

"Whistleblowing on the Internet," Speech Communication Association, San Antonio, 20 November 1995.

"Electrifying Principles of Women in Education," Re-Visioning Design and Technology: Feminist Perspectives Conference. Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York, 17-18 November 1995.

"Women's Language in 21st Century," Ad Club of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, 15 November 1995.

"Principles of Women, Computers, Education," Women and Science: Celebrating Achievements, Charting Challenges. NSF Conference. Washington DC, 13-15 December 1995.

"Talking About Virtual Reality Dreams," Lawrence Tech. Detroit, 15 February 1994.

"How to Talk Like a Woman: 150 Years of Language/ Gender Research," Hollins College, Roanoke, 8 March 1994.

"The Language, Behavior, Gender, Race, and Control of Class," Conference on Research in Gender and Communication, University of Portland, Oregon, 18-19 March 1994.

"The Language of Cyberspace," Jubilee Lecture, U of Illinios, 23 March 1994.

"Gender Gridlock on the Internet Superhighway," Developing an Effective and Equitable Information Infrastructure conference, sponsored by the Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility and MIT, Cambridge, Mass., 23-24 April 1994.

"Multicultural Women's Studies Scholarship," Parkland College, Champaign, Ill, 25 May 1994.

"Women and Technology: The Virtual Library and the Disadvantaged Majority," American Library Association, Miami, 25 July 1994.

"Lesser Work: Women's Issues in the Media," Labor Education and Research Center, University of Oregon, 14 July 1994.

"Gender Differences in Communication," National Academic Advising Association, Las Vegas, 10 October 1994.

"WITS on Campus: A Model," Reconciling Gender Issues, Burlington, VT, 16-18 October 1994.

"The Status of Women in the Discipline: Reflections of Francine Merritt Award Recipients," Speech Communication Association, New Orleans, November 1994.

"Social and Political Contexts for Information Technology," Keynote for Computers and Writing Conference, University of Michigan, 20-23 May 1993.

"Research as a Neighborly Act," 11th Annual Conference on Research in Gender and Communication, Loyola University of Chicago, 5-6 March 1993.

"Feminist Uses of the New Information Technologies--A Mind Stretch?" Speech Communication Association, Miami, 28 November 1993.

"Women, Computers, and Criticism," 10th Anniversary, Center for the Study of Women in Society, University of Oregon, 15 October 1993.

"Campus Sexual Harassment," Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, 2 November 1993.

"Academic Talk -- Talk Issues." 10th Annual Conference on Research in Gender and Communication. Hollins College, Roanoke, Virginia, 6-8 March 1992.

"Women and the New Communication Revolution," Tulane University, 24 March 1992.

"Many Ways to Silence Women" Y Faculty Forum. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 25 January 1991.

"Is Anyone to Blame?" Keynote. Gender and Language conference, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 4 April 1991.

"Race and Sex Classifications: When 'Black Man' is Racist and 'Lady' is Sexist" Keynote. Pragmatics and Language Learning conference. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 6 April 1991.

"The Language of Mass Media: The East, West, or South of Which First or Third World?" International Communication Association conference, Chicago, 24 May 1991.

"The Language of Ecofeminism." International Communication Association, Chicago, 26 May 1991.

"A Communication Perspective on 'Different Dialogues Across Cultures'." 8th Annual Conference on Research in Gender and Communication, Georgia State University, 2-3 March 1990.

"Gender Issues in Computer Use." Teleliteracy program. Ohio State University. 26 April 1990.

"Computers, Communication and Education: Science Fiction and Fantasies." Keynote at Conference on Rhetoric and Technology. Michigan Technological University. 2 October 1989.

"The Power of Women's Linguistic Creativity." Keynote at Women and Power: Against All Odds conference. Bemidji State University, Minnesota. 28 March 1987.

"Women as Technology." National Women's Studies Association conference, Urbana-Champaign, Ill. 11-15 June 1986. [with Lana Rakow].

INTERNATIONAL TALKS (selected from talks on gender/technology):

"The Language of Technoscience Connections." Conference on "Interdisciplining Knowledge Cultures? On the Politics of Translation in the Age of Technoscience" / "Interdisziplinierung? Wissentransfer adn Ubersetzungspolitik in einer neuen Technowissenschaftskultur." Braunschweig Centre for Gender Studies, Germany, 8-10 January 2009.

"The Gendered Designs of the Internet." University of Southern Denmark, 16 October 2000.

"Intercultural Communication: Rethinking the Concept of Stereotypes." Information Project, International Women's University, Hamburg, Germany, 19 July 2000.

"Human/Computer Interaction." International Women's University, Hamburg, Germany, 27 July 2000. [co-author Marsha Woodbury.]

"Communication Issues Across Cultures," Beijing University, China, 16 April 1999.

"Shaking the Conventions of Higher Education": Keynote, Women, Information and Technology in Industry and Education conference, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, 4 Dec 1997.

"Future of Women and the Internet," Universität Kiel, Germany, 15-17 Nov 1996.

"Gender on the Internet," University of Vienna, 11 March 1996.

Keynote: "Politics of Race Labels." "Others" in Discourse: An International Conference on the Rhetoric and Politics of Exclusion, Toronto, May 6-8, l993

Invited talks given at University of Natal- Durban; University of Natal - Piertermaritzbuerg; University of Rhodes; University of Durban-Westville; University of Cape Town; University of Western Cape; University of Witwatersrand; University of South Africa. Fall 1992. On race labels, sexual harassment, gender, race and the Internet.

"International Women's Thesaurus." Fourth World Congress on Research on Women. Hunter College, New York, 3-7 June 1990.

"Problematic Communication 'Rights'." Women and Communication in an Age of Science and Technology conference. Toyko, Japan, 25-27 August 1988.

"The Wrong Side of the Language." Language and Gender conference, Tromso, Norway, 6-8 October 1988.

Participant in the Women in International Development Programs and Studies exchange project [with University of Baroda, India]. Women's ways of communicating critical issues. Summer 1987.

"Women, Communication and Technology." University of Leiden, The Netherlands. 9 December 1986.

"Women's Culture, Talk and Technology." University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 3 December 1986.