Pavel Etigof
Title: Cherednik algebras and torus knots
The Cherednik algebra
B(c,n), generated by symmetric polynomials
and the quantum Calogero-Moser Hamiltonian, appears in many areas of
It depends on two parameters - the coupling constant c and
number of
variables n.
I will talk about representations of this algebra,
and in particular about a mysterious
between the representations of B(m/n,n)
and B(n/m,m) of minimal functional
This symmetry between m and n
is made manifest by the fact that the characters
of these representations
can be expressed in terms of the colored HOMFLY polynomial
of the torus
knot T(m/d,n/d), where d=GCD(m,n).
The talk is based on my joint work with
Gorsky and I. Losev.