Architecture Studio 281

Connections to Other Neighborboods



 Urban Section Study
This is a study of street scapes of the central commercial district.  The main focus is to understand the physical components that are defining the street scape, by looking at the differences between the central area and outside.

what is the difference?
Diagramatic study of the street
Street scapes, especially in terms of pedestrian space, core section of our strudy area is quite different from the surrounding districts. As you can see from the diagramatic drawing comparing the core section from the less consentrated commercial area, existence of these physical elements, their sizes, and density makes the spatial experience different.  Other elements: 

  • facade often are designed to harmonize with others (height, color, scale,etc.)
  • Sidewalks are wider and well maintained
  • trees are consistant in sizes and spacing
  • pedestrian suppoting elements: bikeracks, benches
  • decoretive elements
  • sidewalk acts as an independent space rather than edge of large space.

Function and Aesthetics
In the urban commercial area like our site, physical elements are often designed to fulfill aesthetic quality as well as their function.  Things like trash cans, store signs, awnings, planters are designed to define the characteristic of the place.



Cheng Cockram Fillinger Keyes Kwok Theodoropoulos

Architecture and Allied Arts, The University of Oregon1999