Word sign-up All of these words appear in the Prologue to Piers Plowman. Line citations are to the Robertson-Shepherd (Norton critical) edition of the B-text.
While each word below appears in Middle English spelling, you might use asterisks instead of vowels in order to find these words in the Middle English Dictionary (see their search tips). The Middle English Dictionary is part of the Middle English Compendium, available through the UO library's website.
habit (line 3) John Paul Vega
wonders (line 4) Andrew Grace
ferly (line 6) Chelsea Henson
folk (line 17) Jenee Wilde
mene (line 18) Andrew P. Brottlund
wastours (line 21) Emily Findley
penance (line 25) Deborah Parker
liflode (line 30)
chaffare (line 31)
palmers (line 46) Brian Psi
copis (line 57) Danna Voth
pardoner (line 68) Emily Thomas
lewd (line 72) Sharity Nelson
tell (line 92) Josh Lind
parceyved (line 100) Diana Coogle
kind (114) Tim Asay
wit (114) Lynn Freitas
commons (117)
Passus/ secondary reading expertise sign-up (two people per class meeting)
April 6 Jenee Wilde
April 13 John Paul Vega; Sharity Nelson
April 20 Andrew Grace, Chelsea Henson
April 27 Josh Lind, Diana Coogle
May 4 Tim Asay, Lynn Freitas
May 11 Andrew P Brottlund, Deborah Parker
May 18 Emily Findley, Emily Thomas
June 1 Danna Voth, Brian Psi