U.S. Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Database
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U.S. Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Data and Documentation
This following are links to firm-specific data and documentation on U.S. antidumping and countervailing duty cases since 1980, collected by the author of this page, Bruce Blonigen, Department of Economics, University of Oregon, with the help of numerous student research assistants. This work was generously supported by the National Science Foundation (Grant numbers 9810706 and 0416854) and the data are free to anyone and downloadable from this page.
Case-specific data on U.S. antidumping and countervailing duty activity (as well as that for many other countries) are now available at Chad Bown's Global Antidumping Database.
On this webpage I have also included links to related sites on the internet. Feel free to email me with any questions or comments. Also, I would appreciate any information on work using the database.
U.S. Antidumping Firm-specific Data, 1980-1995
Data on Tariff-jumping of U.S. Antidumping Duties, 1980-1995
Data on U.S. Antidumping Transitional Sunset Cases
List of Petitioners in U.S. Antidumping Cases, 1980-2001
U.S. Countervailing Duty Firm-Specific Data, 1980-2004 (Just added, October 2006)
Trade Data and Policy Links
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Trade Protection Links
Other Countries' Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Webpages (some of these sites are not in English)
Recent Economics Working Papers on Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Policies
NBER Working Papers (you can download these papers if your institution has a subscription)
- NBER Paper 13671: "Trade Policy and Market Power: The Case of the US Steel Industry" by Bruce Blonigen, Benjamin Liebman and Wes Wilson, December 2007.
- NBER Paper 13349: "China's WTO Entry: Antidumping, Safeguards, and Dispute Settlement," by Chad Bown, August 2007.
- NBER Paper 11798: "Foreign Subsidization and Excess Capacity" by Bruce Blonigen and Wes Wilson, November 2005.
- NBER Paper 10783: "Working the System: Firm Learning and the Antidumping Process" by Bruce A. Blonigen. Published in European Journal of Political Economy, September 2005, Vol. 22(3): 715-731.
- NBER Paper 10582: "The Rise of U.S. Antidumping Actions in Historical Perspective" by Douglas Irwin. Published in World Economy , May 2005, Vol. 28(5): 651-698.
- NBER Paper 10439: "Political Pressure Deflection" by James E. Anderson and Maurizio Zanardi, April 2004. Published in Public Choice , 2009, Vol. 14(1): 129-150.
- NBER Paper 9625: "Evolving Discretionary Practices of U.S. Antidumping Activity" by Bruce A. Blonigen, April 2003. Published in Canadian Journal of Economics, August 2006, vol. 39, 874-900.
- NBER Paper 9027: "Tariff-jumping and Domestic Firms' Profits" by Bruce A. Blonigen, KaSaundra Tomlin, and Wesley W. Wilson, June 2002. Published in the Canadian Journal of Economics, August 2004, Vol. 37(3): 656-77.
- NBER Paper 8576: "Antidumping and Retaliation Threats" by Bruce A. Blonigen and Chad P. Bown, November 2001. Published in Journal of International Economics, August 2003, Vol. 60(2): 249-73.
- NBER Paper 8477: "Dynamic Pricing in the Presence of Antidumping Policy: Theory and Evidence" by Bruce A. Blonigen and Jee-Hyeong Park, September 2001. Published in the American Economic Review, March 2004, Vol. 94(1): 134-154.
- NBER Paper 8424: "The Economic and Strategic Motives for Antidumping Filings" by Thomas J. Prusa and Susan Skeath, August 2001. Published in Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 2002, Vol. 138(3): 389-413.
- NBER Paper 8398: "Antidumping" by Bruce A. Blonigen and Thomas J. Prusa, July 2001. In Handbook of International Trade, E. Kwan Choi and James Harrigan (Eds.), Blackwell Publishing, 2003.
- NBER Paper 8010: "Macroeconomic Factors and Antidumping Filings: Evidence from Four Countries" by Michael M. Knetter and Thomas J. Prusa, November 2000. Published in Journal of International Economics, October 2003, Vol. 61(1): 1-18.
- NBER Paper 7776: "Tariff-jumping Antidumping Duties" by Bruce Blonigen, July 2000. Published in Journal of International Economics, June 2002, Vol. 57(1): 31-49.
- NBER Paper 7404: "On the Spread and Impact of Antidumping" by Thomas Prusa, October 1999. Published in Canadian Journal of Economics, August 2001, Vol. 34(3): 591-611.
- NBER Paper 7378: "Antidumping Investigations and the Pass-Through of Exchange Rates and Antidumping Duties" by Bruce Blonigen and Stephen Haynes, October 1999. Published in American Economic Review, September 2002, Vol. 92(4): 1044-1061.
- NBER Paper 7340: "Import Diversion under European Antidumping Policy" by Hylke Vandenbussche, Jozef Koenigs, and Linda Springael, September 1999.
- NBER Paper 6933: "Contingent Protection as Better Insurance" by Thomas Prusa and Ronald Fisher, February 1999.
- NBER Paper 6986: "Dumping and Double Crossing: The (In)Effectiveness of Cost-Based Trade Policy Under Incomplete Information" by Dobrin Kolev and Thomas Prusa, February 1999. Published in International Economic Review , August 2002, Vol. 43(3): 895-918.
- NBER Paper 5440: "The Trade Effects of U.S. Antidumping Actions," by Thomas Prusa, January 1996. Published in 1997 NBER book, The Effects of U.S. Trade Protection and Promotion Policies, Robert Feenstra (Ed.), pp. 191-214.
CEPR Working Papers (it is possible to download some of these from the CEPR webpage)
- CEPR Paper 5597: "The Global Chilling Effects of Antidumping Proliferation," by Hylke Vandenbussche and Maurizio Zanardi, April 2006. Published in the European Economic Review.
- CEPR Paper 3571: "Does Antidumping Protection Raise Market Power? Evidence from Firm Level Data," by Hylke Vandenbussche and Jozef Konings, October 2002. Also available through SSRN. Published in the Journal of International Economics, Vol. 65(1), Jan. 2005, pp. 151-65.
- CEPR Paper 2785: "Import Diversion Under European Antidumping Policy," by Hylke Vandenbussche, Jozef Konings, and Linda Springael, May 2001.
- CEPR Paper 2624: "European Antidumping Policy and Firm's Strategic Choice of Quality," by Hylke Vandenbussche and Xavier Wauthy, November 2000. Published in European Journal of Political Economy under title "Inflicting Injury Through Product Quality: How European Antidumping Policy Disadvantages European Producers," March 2001, Vol. 17(1): 101-116.
- CEPR Paper 2320: "Undertakings and Antidumping Jumping FDI in Europe," by Reinhilde Veugelers, Hylke Vandenbussche, and Rene Belderbos, December 1999. Published in the European Economic Review, Vol. 48(2), April 2004, pp. 429-53.
- CEPR Paper 1860: "Union Wage Bargaining and European Antidumping Policy in Imperfectly Competitive Markets," by Reinhilde Veugelers, Hylke Vandenbussche, and Jozef Konings, April 1998.Published in Oxford Economic Papers under title "Unionization and European Antidumping Policy," April 2001, Vol. 53(2): 297-317.
- CEPR Paper 1590: "On the Effects of Anti-dumping Legislation," by Xavier Martinez-Giralt and Pedro Luis Pita Barros, March 1997. Published in Regional Science and Urban Economics, January 1999, Vol. 29(1): 53-72.
- CEPR Paper 1565: "Strategic Behaviour Under European Antidumping Rules," by Hylke Vandenbussche, Wilfried Pauwels, and Marcel Weverbergh, February 1997.
- CEPR Paper 1469: "European Anti-dumping Policy and the Profitability of National and International Collusion," by Reinhilde Veugelers and Hylke Vandenbussche, September 1996. Published in European Economic Review, January 1999, Vol. 43(1): 1-28.
- CEPR Paper 1272: "Reciprocal Anti-dumping and the Location of Firms," by Jan Haaland and Ian Wooton, November 1995. Published in Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Vol. 134(2): 340-362.
Other Recent Downloadable Working Papers
- "Plant-Level Responses to Antidumping Duties: Evidence from U.S. Manufacturers" by Justin Pierce, October 2009.
- "Trade Liberalization and Antidumping: Is There a Substitution Effect?" by Michael Moore and Maurizio Zanardi, July 2008. Forthcoming in the Review of Development Economics.
- "Does Antidumping Use Contribute to Trade Liberalization in Developing Countries?" by Michael Moore and Maurizio Zanardi, June 2008. Published in Canadian Journal of Economics, 2009, Vol. 42(2): 469-95.
- "Protecting India's Trade Liberalization? Tariff Reform, Antidumping and Safeguards," by Chad Bown and Patricia Tovar, December 2007.
- "Canada's Anti-dumping and Safeguard Policies: Overt and Subtle Forms of Discrimination," by Chad Bown. Published in The World Economy v30, n9 (September 2007): 1457-1476.
- "Antidumping Duties Under Asymmetric Cost information" by Xenia Matschke and Anja Schottner, August 2007.
- "What Explains the Proliferation of Antidumping Laws?" by Hylke Vandenbussche and Maurizio Zanardi, March 2007. Published in Economic Policy, January 2008, Vol. 23, pages 93-138.
- "Are Antidumping Duties for Sale? Case-Level Evidence on the Grossman-Helpman Protection for Sale Model" by Carolyn Evans and Shane Sherlund, October 2006.
- "From Agreement to Application -- A Cross-Country Analysis of Injury Determinations Under the Wto Antidumping Agreement" by Kara Reynolds, September 2006.
- "The WTO and Antidumping in Developing Countries," by Chad Bown, July 2006. Published in Economics and Politics, forthcoming 2008.
- "Does Antidumping Use Contribute to Trade Liberalization? An Empirical Analysis", by Michael O. Moore and Maurizio Zanardi, June 2006.
- "Why Don't Foreign Firms Cooperate in U.S. Antidumping Investigations?: An Empirical Analysis" by Michael Moore and Alan Fox, June 2006.
- "Friendly Fire? The Impact of US Antidumping Enforcement on US Exporters" by Robert Feinberg and Kara Reynolds, April 2006. Published in Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), forthcoming 2008.
- "One Lump or Two: Unitary Versus Bifurcated Measures of Injury at the USITC" by Kenneth H. Kelly and Morris E. Morkre, March 2006, Forthcoming in Economic Inquiry.
- "China's Export Growth and China Safeguard: Threats to the World Trading System?" by Chad Bown and Meredith Crowley, December 2005.
- "The Political Influence of European and American Antidumping Decisions: Some Empirical Evidence" by Mustapha Sadni-Jallab, September 2005. Forthcoming in Economics Bulletin.
- "U.S. 'Facts Available' Antidumping Decisions: An Empirical Analysis" by Michael O. Moore. Published in European Journal of Political Economy, September 2005, Vol. 22(3): 639-652.
- "Antidumping Reform in the Doha Round: A Pessimistic Appraisal" by Michael Moore, December 2005. Published in Pacific Economic Review, August 2007, Vol. 12(3): 335-379.
- "Corporate Strategy and Political Economy in a World Free of Dumping" by Simon Evenett, August 2005.
- "Antidumping: A Problem in International Trade" by Maurizio Zanardi. Published in European Journal of Political Economy, September 2005, Vol. 22(3): 591-617.
- "Small Fish - Big Issues: The Effect of Global Trade Policy on the Global Shrimp Industry" by Peter Debaere, Summer 2005.
- "An Empirical Analysis of US and EU Antidumping Initiation and Decision" by Mustapha Sadni-Jallab, Rene Sandretto, and Robert Feinberg, March 2005.
- "Antidumping Procedures and Macroeconomic Factors: A Comparison Between the United States and the European Union" by Mustapha Sadni-Jallab, Patrick Monnet Gbakou, and Rene Sandretto, 2005.
- "Tariff Liberalization and Increased Administrative Protection: Is There a Quid Pro Quo?" by Robert Feinberg and Kara Reynolds. Published in World Economy, Vol. 30, No. 6, June 2007, pp. 948-961.
- "The Political Economy of Antidumping: A Survey" by Douglas Nelson. Published in European Journal of Political Economy, September 2005, Vol. 22(3): 554-590.
- "Trade Remedies and WTO Dispute Settlement: Why Are So Few Challenged?" by Chad P. Bown, December 2004. Published in Journal of Legal Studies, v34, n2 (June 2005): 515-555.
- "The Spread of Antidumping Regimes and the Role of Retaliation in Filings" by Robert Feinberg and Kara Reynolds. Published in Southern Economic Journal, April 2006, Vol. 72(4), 877-890.
- "How Different are Safeguards from Antidumping? Evidence from US Trade Policies Toward Steel" by Chad Bown, July 2004.
- "Policy Externalities: How U.S. Antidumping Affects Japanese Exports to the E.U.," by Chad P. Bown and Meredith Crowley, June 2004. Published in European Journal of Political Economy, v22, n3 (September 2006): 696-714.
- "U.S. Antidumping Enforcement and Macroeconomic Indicators: What Do Petitioners Expect, and Are They Correct?" by Robert Feinberg, May 2004.
- "A Model of Firm Participation in Antidumping Petitions" by Kara Reynolds (formerly Olson), April 2004.
- "Trade Deflection and Trade Depression" by Chad Bown and Meredith Crowley, February 2004. Published in Journal of International Economics, v72, n1 (May 2007): 176-201.
- "Some Accounting and Technical Problems with Antidumping Trade Cases Involving a Transition Economy: A Russian Case Study," by Robert McGee and Galina G. Preobragenskaya, January 2004.
- "Do Safeguard Tariffs and Antidumping Duties Open or Close Technology Gaps?" by Meredith Crowley, February 2003.
- "Reforming the Antidumping Agreement: A Road Map for WTO Negotiations," by Brink Lindsay and Dan Ikenson, December 2002.
- "Quantifying Causes of Economic Injury to U.S. Industries Competing with Unfairly Traded Imports: 1989-1994" by Kenneth H. Kelly and Morris E. Morkre, December 2002.
- "Antidumping 101: The Devilish Details of 'Unfair Trade" Law," by Brink Lindsay and Dan Ikenson, November 2002.
- "An Econometric Analysis of U.S. Antidumping Sunset Reviews," by Michael O. Moore, Summer 2002. Forthcoming 2006 in Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv.
- "The Effects of CUSFTA and NAFTA on Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Activity" by Bruce A. Blonigen, May 2002. Published in World Bank Economic Review, Vol. 19(December 2005): 407-424.
- "Commerce Department Antidumping Sunset Reviews: A Major Disappointment" by Michael O. Moore, April 2002. Published in Journal of World Trade, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 675-698, August 2002.
- "The Cost of Antidumping: The Devil is in the Details" by Bruce A. Blonigen and Thomas J. Prusa, February 2002. Published in the Journal of Policy Reform, December 2003, Vol. 6(4): 233-246.
- "ITC Voting Behavior on Sunset Reviews" by Benjamin H. Liebman, August 2001. Published in Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 2004, Vol. 140(3): 446-475.
- "Coming Home to Roost: Proliferating Antidumping Laws and the Growing Threat to U.S. Exports," by Brink Lindsay and Dan Ikenson, July 2001.
- "'Facts Available' Dumping Allegations: When Will Foreign Firms Cooperate in Antidumping Petitions?" by Michael O. Moore, May 2001. Published in European Journal of Political Economy, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 185-204, March 2005.
- "Injury-based Protection with Auditing under Imperfect Information" by Philippe Kohler and Michael O. Moore, March 1999. Published in Southern Economic Journal, July 2001, Vol. 68(1): 42-59.
- "VERs and Price Undertakings under the WTO" by Michael O. Moore, 2000. Published in Review of International Economics, May 2005, Vol. 13, issue. 2, pp. 298-310.
- "Do Anti-Dumping Rules Facilitate the Abuse of Market Dominance?" by Martin Theuringer and Pia Weiss, March 2001.
- "Antidumping Against the Backdrop of Disputes in the GATT/WTO System," by Chad Bown, November 2000.
- "Antidumping Law as a Collusive Device," by Maurizio Zanardi, November 2000. Published in the Canadian Journal of Economics, February 2004, Vol. 37(1): 95-122.
- "Free Trade and Deep Integration: Antidumping and Antitrust in Regional Agreements" by Bernard Hoekman, July 1998.
- Why Do Firms Pay Antidumping Duty?" by Poonam Gupta, 1999.
- "Antidumping and the People's Republic of China: Five Case Studies," by Robert McGee and Yeomin Yoon, May 1998.
- "Total Strangers or Soul Mates? Antidumping and Competition Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean," by J. Luis Guash and Sarath Rajapatirana, August 1998.
- "Antidumping in Law and Practice," by Raj Krishna, September 1997.
- "Some Recent U.S. Antidumping Cases Against Korea," by Robert McGee and Yeomin Yoon, May 1998.
- "Antidumping and the People's Republic of China: Five Case Studies," by Robert Mcgee and Yeomin Yoon, May 1998.
- "Application of the Antidumping Laws Against Latin American," by Robert McGee, May 1998.
- "Antidumping Laws as Protectionist Trade Barriers: The Case for Repeal," by Robert McGee, July 1996.
Researchers with Recent Work on the Economics of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Trade Policy
U.S. Researchers
European Researchers
- Rene Belderbos (Catholic University Leuven, Belgium)
- Simon Evenett (University of St. Gallen and CEPR)
- Jan Haaland (Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Norway, and CEPR)
- Patrick Messerlin (Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris, France)
- Mustapha Sadni-Jallab (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Ethiopia)
- Mathew Tharakan (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
- Hylke Vandenbussche (University of Leuven, Belgium, and CEPR)
- Reinhilde Veugelers (Catholic University Leuven, Belgium, and CEPR)
- Ian Wooton (University of Strathclyde, UK, and CEPR)
- Maurizio Zanardi (ECARES (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Department of Economics
1285 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403