U.S. Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Database

Quick Links

U.S. Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Data and Documentation

This following are links to firm-specific data and documentation on U.S. antidumping and countervailing duty cases since 1980, collected by the author of this page, Bruce Blonigen, Department of Economics, University of Oregon, with the help of numerous student research assistants. This work was generously supported by the National Science Foundation (Grant numbers 9810706 and 0416854) and the data are free to anyone and downloadable from this page.

Case-specific data on U.S. antidumping and countervailing duty activity (as well as that for many other countries) are now available at Chad Bown's Global Antidumping Database.

On this webpage I have also included links to related sites on the internet. Feel free to email me with any questions or comments. Also, I would appreciate any information on work using the database.

U.S. Antidumping Firm-specific Data, 1980-1995

Data on Tariff-jumping of U.S. Antidumping Duties, 1980-1995

Data on U.S. Antidumping Transitional Sunset Cases

List of Petitioners in U.S. Antidumping Cases, 1980-2001

U.S. Countervailing Duty Firm-Specific Data, 1980-2004 (Just added, October 2006)

Trade Data and Policy Links

Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Trade Protection Links

Other Countries' Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Webpages (some of these sites are not in English)

Recent Economics Working Papers on Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Policies

NBER Working Papers (you can download these papers if your institution has a subscription)

CEPR Working Papers (it is possible to download some of these from the CEPR webpage)

Other Recent Downloadable Working Papers

Researchers with Recent Work on the Economics of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Trade Policy

U.S. Researchers

European Researchers

Department of Economics

1285 University of Oregon

Eugene, OR 97403

